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AFDKO Python Modules


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This tool exports the kerning and groups data within a UFO to a makeotf-compatible GPOS kern feature file.

Default functionality:

  • writing of a sorted kern.fea file, which organizes pairs in order of specificity (exceptions first, then glyph-to-glyph, then group pairs)
  • filtering of small pairs (often results of interpolation).
    Exceptions (even though they may be small) are not filtered.
  • processing of right-to-left pairs (given that kerning groups containing those glyphs are suffixed with _ARA, _HEB, or _RTL)

Optional functionality:

  • dissolving single-element groups into glyph pairs – this helps with subtable optimization, and can be seen as a means to avoid kerning overflow
  • subtable measuring and automatic insertion of subtable breaks
  • specifying a maximum subtable size
  • identification of glyph-to-glyph RTL pairs by way of a global RTL_KERNING reference group
  • specifying a glyph name suffix for glyphs to be ignored when writing the kern feature


    # write a basic kern feature file
    python font.ufo

    # write a kern feature file with minimum absolute kerning value of 5
    python -min 5 font.ufo

    # write a kern feature with subtable breaks
    python -s font.ufo

    # further usage information
    python -h

This tool interprets glyphs and anchor points within a UFO to write a makeotf-compatible GPOS mark feature file.

The input UFO file needs to have base glyphs and zero-width combining marks. Base- and mark glyphs attach via anchor pairs (e.g. above and _above, or top, and _top). Combining marks must be members of a COMBINING_MARKS reference group.

Default functionality:

  • writing a mark.fea file, which contains mark classes/groups, and per-anchor mark-to-base positioning lookups (GPOS lookup type 4)
  • writing mark-to-ligature positioning lookups (GPOS lookup type 5). This requires anchor names to be suffixed with an ordinal (1ST, 2ND, 3RD, etc). For example – if a mark with an _above anchor is to be attached to a ligature, the ligature’s anchor names would be above1ST, above2ND, etc – depending on the amount of ligature elements.

Optional functionality:

  • writing mkmk.fea, for mark-to-mark positioning (GPOS lookup type 6)

  • writing abvm.fea/blwm.fea files, as used in Indic scripts (anchor pairs are abvm, _abvm, and blwm, _blwm, respectively)

  • writing mark classes into a separate file (in case classes need to be shared across multiple lookup types)

  • trimming casing tags (UC, LC, or SC)

    Trimming tags is a somewhat specific feature, but it is quite essential: In a UFO, anchors can be used to build composite glyphs – for example aacute, and Aacute. Since those glyphs would often receive a differently-shaped accent, the anchor pairs (on bases a/A and marks acutecmb/acutecmb.cap) would be aboveLC/_aboveLC, and aboveUC/_aboveUC, respectively.

    When writing the mark feature, we care more about which group of combining marks triggers a certain behavior, so removing those casing tags allows grouping all _above marks together, hence attaching to a base glyph – no matter if it is upper- or lowercase. The aesthetic substitution of the mark (e.g. smaller mark on the uppercase letter) can happen later, in the ccmp feature.


    # write a basic mark feature
    python font.ufo

    # write mark and mkmk feature files
    python -m font.ufo

    # trim casing tags
    python -t font.ufo

    # further usage information
    python -h

Both kern- and mark feature writers export raw feature data, which still needs to be wrapped with feature “fence”. This is easily achieved with an include statement:

feature kern{

} kern;

The benefit of this is that different feature flags can be used (example), or that mark groups can be shared across mark/mkmk features. Also, the (sometimes volatile) GPOS feature data can be re-generated periodically without affecting the overall structure of the feature tree.

    FLS5 script to export class kerning to UFO. Superseded by vfb3ufo.

Other modules are FontLab scripts which were used in pre-UFO days in a FLS5 environment. Those modules are not in active development.

    Support module for FontLab scripts. Defines commonly used functions and globals.

    This module converts between a FontLab glyph and a bez file data string. Used by the OutlineCheck and AutoHint scripts, to convert FL glyphs to bez programs as needed by C libraries that do the hard work.

    Former kern feature writer.

    Former mark feature writer.


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