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We encountered the following error while running vite build --mode development --watch with vite:4.4.9:

rendering chunks (114)...[vite:manifest] Plugin error - Unable to get file name for unknown file "a768f517"


A Pull-Request was created for this issue: vitejs/vite#14450


Initial Watch Call

The initial call to watch (defined in rollup/src/watch/watch-proxy.ts:10) has the following outputs set:

    "dir": "/reproduce/dist",
    "format": "system",
    "exports": "auto",
    "sourcemap": false,
    "generatedCode": "es2015",
    "entryFileNames": "assets/[name]-legacy-[hash].js",
    "chunkFileNames": "assets/[name]-legacy-[hash].js",
    "assetFileNames": "assets/[name]-[hash].[ext]",
    "inlineDynamicImports": false
    "dir": "/reproduce/dist",
    "format": "es",
    "exports": "auto",
    "sourcemap": false,
    "generatedCode": "es2015",
    "entryFileNames": "assets/[name]-[hash].js",
    "chunkFileNames": "assets/[name]-[hash].js",
    "assetFileNames": "assets/[name]-[hash].[ext]",
    "inlineDynamicImports": false

The callee is build in vite/src/node/build.ts:659.

The timeline of the build

  1. A FileEmitter, let's call this instance FileEmitter(0), is constructed with an undefined base emitter.
  2. A FileEmitter, let's call this instance FileEmitter(1), is constructed with FileEmitter(0) as base emitter.
  3. A FileEmitter, let's call this instance FileEmitter(2), is constructed with FileEmitter(0) as base emitter.
  4. Vite clears generatedAssets as part of the renderStart function of the vite:asset plugin. Let's call the configuration, for which the cleaning occurred, config(1), since it is the first distinct config value that we encountered.
  5. If the buildStart function of the vite:asset plugin is renamed to renderStart, vite will clear generatedAssets for key config(1) one more time.
  6. FileEmitter(2) gets referenceId "d31f18fc" assigned for file "script.css"
  7. ReferenceId "d31f18fc" (src/script.css) is added to generatedAssets with key config(1) from the renderChunk function of the vite:post-css plugin
  8. FileEmitter(2).getFileName gets successfully called with referenceId "rd31f18fc" from inside renderChunk of the vite:post-css plugin.
  9. FileEmitter(2) gets referenceId "380b7b38" assigned for file "styles.css"
  10. ReferenceId "380b7b38" (src/styles.css) is added to generatedAssets with key config(1) from the renderChunk function of the vite:post-css plugin
  11. FileEmitter(2).getFileName is successfully called with referenceId "380b7b38" from inside renderChunk of the vite:post-css plugin.
  12. generateBundle of the vite:manifest plugin is executed. generatedAssets holds two entries for key config(1): "d31f18fc" (src/script.css) and "380b7b38" (src/styles.css) generateBundle issues calls to FileEmitter(2).getFileName for both entries.
  13. generateBundle of the vite:manifest plugin is executed. generatedAssets holds two entries for key config(1): "d31f18fc" (src/script.css) and "380b7b38" (src/styles.css) generateBundle issues calls to FileEmitter(1).getFileName for both entries. However, there are no entries in FileEmitter(1), thus the calls fail.


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