This project is for testing and educational purposes. Use it only against your own networks and devices. I don't take any responsibility for what you do with this program.
This script allows you to spam thousands of WiFi SSIDs.
Here you can donate if you liked my project and you want to support me:
This script allows you to generate the number of SSIDs that you want, unless you're using the default word list (1000 SSIDs).
If you are going to use the 4th option I recommend you generate up to ~5000 SSIDs
Some Intel® Hardware In particular Centrino are known to cause problems becuase of the way mdk3 works.
- From the mdk3 documentaion:
MDK3 uses the drivers and Injection routines from this project and its predecessor. Thus, all drivers listed there should work with MDK3. (Some special hardware, like Intel Centrino (ipw2200) is NOT supported since they can only inject data, and no management information!)
- From the mdk3 documentaion:
MDK3 sudo apt-get install mdk3
MACCHANGER sudo apt-get install macchanger
PWGEN sudo apt-get install pwgen
- Dependencie installation for Arch Linux:
sudo pacman -S mdk3 macchanger pwgen
Download the files
git clone
Dependencie instalation
2.1 Method 1 run the file AS ROOT
2.2 Method 2 Manualy add sources and install packages listed above
- Run the script
Thanks to @digmorepaka.
PwrDeauther: ⚡ Deauth a specific WiFi access point or an entire channel.
ESP8266 WiFi Captive Portal: 🔑 WiFi captive portal for ESP8266 for phishing WiFi passwords.