Contact: [email protected]
Tools for analysing insertion mutations
via conda (or mamba):
git clone
cd tebreak
conda env create -f tebreak.yml
conda activate tebreak
pip install -e $PWD
cd test && ./
If you use the above method, make sure to activate the Conda environment first with conda activate tebreak
whenever using tebreak.
This assumes a working installation of pip
. Many of these prerequisites can be satisfied through installing anaconda.
pip install pysam
pip install scipy
pip install bx-python
pip install scikit-bio
If pip install bx-python
fails you might need liblzo2-dev
(via apt: sudo apt-get install -y liblzo2-dev
make CXXFLAGS=-O3 -C last-716 && sudo make install -C last-716
git clone
git clone
git clone
make -C htslib && sudo make install -C htslib
make -C samtools && sudo make install -C samtools
make -C bcftools && sudo make install -C bcftools
git clone
cd exonerate
git checkout v2.4.0
autoreconf -i
./configure && make && make check && make install
python install
Assuming $TB
is the tebreak directory created by git clone
or unzipping/untarballing an archive:
tebreak -b $TB/test/data/example.ins.bam -r $TB/test/data/Homo_sapiens_chr4_50000000-60000000_assembly19.fasta -i $TB/lib/teref.human.fa
cd test && ./
This will generate some output to the terminal and the following files should exist in your working directory:
filename | description |
example.ins.tebreak.detail.out |
Details on all potential insertions detected (probably not a useful final output, used for debugging) |
example.ins.tebreak.pickle |
Raw data on detected insertions. Allows trying multiple parameters via --use_pickle without needing to re-run completely. |
example.ins.tebreak.resolve.out |
Details on all potential insertions considered (probably not a useful final output, used for debugging) |
example.ins.tebreak.table.txt |
Final output table. Often requires further filtering. |
The file example.ins.tebreak.table.txt
should contain five insertions.
The parameters for the test run are the bare minimum required to run TEBreak and will be glacially slow on anything larger than the most trivial input. The following is the current recommendation for running TEBreak on WGS data with an average depth > 30x and should also suffice for capture-seq data.
Our recommendation is to use bwa mem
with the following parameters. Let $THREADS
be the number of CPU cores available on the system, $RGID
be a read group id, $SM
be a sample name, $RAWBAM
be the output BAM filename, $REF
be a bwa-indexed reference genome, $FQ1
and $FQ2
be .fastq files containing read 1 and read 2, respectively.
bwa mem -M -Y -t $THREADS -R "@RG\tID:$RGID\tSM:$BASE\tPL:ILLUMINA" $REF $FQ1 $FQ2 | samtools view -b - > $RAWBAM
There's more than one way to do this, one option is to use picard. Let $RAWBAM
be from the original alignment and $BAM
be the BAM file used in subsequent steps.
java -jar picard.jar MarkDuplicates I=$RAWBAM O=$BAM M=metrics.out
Another good option is to use samblaster.
This example assumes hg19/GRCh37 without the 'chr' prefix). The following builds a reference containing the locations of relevant human repeatmasker annotations for discordant read pair discovery:
cd $TB/lib
Additionally, it may be helpful to build a mappability index using the ./
script, but it is not required for this example.
Note that the BAM file ($BAM
) passed to -b can be a comma delimited list of BAM files or a .txt
file containing a list of BAM files.
tebreak -b $BAM -r $REF -p $THREADS -d $TB/lib/hg19.te.disctgt.txt -m $TB/lib/hg19.centromere_telomere.bed --max_ins_reads 500 -i $TB/lib/teref.human.fa
The results table ($TABLE
) will contain false positives. If desired, it is possible reduce this with an included script at some cost in terms of sensitivity.
$TB/scripts/ -t $TABLE -i $TB/lib/teref.human.fa -r $REF --numsplit 4 --numdiscord 4 > $FILTEREDTABLE
Filter | Description |
UnknownInsType | Combination of Superfamily and Subfamily does not appear in insertion library |
NoConsMapRef | No insertion consensus sequences match the insertion reference |
TotalConsLen | Total consensus length is less than minimum set by --min_cons_len |
MinEltMatch | Best match to reference element is less than --min_ins_match |
MinRefMatch | Best match to reference genome is less than --min_ref_match |
MinDiscord | Number of discordant reads is less than --min_disc_reads |
MinSplit | Number of split reads is less than --min_split_reads |
MismatchTSD | 5-prime and 3-prime TSD sequences do not match |
LongHomopolTSD | TSD is a long homopolymer (greater than 10 bases) |
MinTELength | Insertion is shorter than --minlength |
MissingVAF | Genotyping not possible (no TSD), only occurs with --minvaf set |
MinVAF | Maximum VAF less than --minvaf (only occurs if set) |
FracEnd | 3-prime end of TE alignment not not occur within --fracend percent of ref TE end (only occurs with --fracend ) |
MaxVars | More than --maxvars variants versus TE reference (only occurs if set) |
LowMap | Mappability low (less than 0.5), only occurs if --map_tabix is set |
HomopolSite | Insertion site contains a homopolymer greater than 20bp |
SelfAlign | Reference genome has a better than 95% match to reference TE via exonerate |
PASS | Good to go! |
Finally, a script is included to annotate the TEBreak table. A useful included annotation source is the list of known non-reference insertions detected in human (hg19/GRCh37 coordinates).
$TB/scripts/ -t $FILTEREDTABLE -x $TB/lib/nonref.collection.hg19.bed.gz -n KnownNonRef --nonref > $FINALTABLE
Reporting issues and questions through github is preferred versus e-mail.
For additional documentation, please find the manual in the doc subdirectory.