The Food Management System is a comprehensive Python application designed to streamline various aspects of restaurant operations. It includes functionalities for managing menu items, order details, payments, and customer ratings. The application features a graphical user interface (GUI) built with Tkinter and uses MySQL for efficient data storage.
- Add Customer: Allows adding a new customer to the database.
- Update Customer: Updates existing customer information such as name, email, or phone number.
- Delete Customer: Removes a customer from the database.
- Search Customer: Retrieves customer information based on name, email, or phone number.
- Place Order: Records a new order with details such as customer ID and order date.
- Update Order: Allows updating order details such as customer ID or order date.
- Cancel Order: Removes an order and associated details from the database.
- Search Order: Retrieves orders based on order ID or customer ID.
- Add Menu Item Type: Introduces a new category (e.g., Appetizer, Main Course) for menu items.
- Update Menu Item Type: Modifies existing menu item types, such as changing the name.
- Delete Menu Item Type: Removes a menu item type and reassigns its items to another type if applicable.
- Search Menu Item Type: Retrieves menu item types based on type ID or type name.
- Add Menu Item: Introduces a new menu item with details like type ID, name, and price.
- Update Menu Item: Modifies existing menu items by changing their name, price, or type.
- Delete Menu Item: Removes a menu item from the database.
- Search Menu Item: Retrieves menu items based on item ID, name, type, or price range.
- Add Order Detail: Records details of items included in an order, such as menu item ID and quantity.
- Update Order Detail: Modifies existing order details like item quantity or special instructions.
- Delete Order Detail: Removes specific item details from an order.
- Search Order Detail: Retrieves order details based on order ID or menu item ID.
- Record Payment: Logs details of a payment including order ID, amount, date, and payment method.
- Update Payment: Modifies payment details such as amount, date, or method.
- Delete Payment: Removes a payment record from the database.
- Search Payment: Retrieves payments based on payment ID, order ID, or date range.
- Record Rating: Captures feedback from customers about menu items, including rating (1 to 5 stars) and review text.
- Update Rating: Modifies existing ratings by changing the rating value or review text.
- Delete Rating: Removes a rating and associated feedback from the database.
- Search Rating: Retrieves ratings based on rating ID, menu item ID, customer ID, or rating value.
- Python 3.x
- VS Code (Any code editor)
- MySQL Server
- MySQL Connector/Python
- A standard desktop or laptop capable of running Python applications.
Install Python:
- Download and install Python 3.x from
Install MySQL Server:
- Download and install MySQL Server from if not already installed.
Install Required Python Libraries:
- Open a terminal or command prompt.
- Install MySQL Connector/Python:
pip install mysql-connector-python
- Install Tkinter (if not included):
pip install tk
- Navigate to the project directory.
- Start the application:
- Navigate through different modules (Customer Management, Menu Item Management, Order Detail Management, Payment Management, Rating Management) using the GUI.
- Perform operations such as adding, updating, deleting, and searching data.
- Efficiently view and manage restaurant data through intuitive interfaces.
- Manages customer operations including CRUD operations.
- Manages order operations including CRUD operations.
- Manages menu item type operations including CRUD operations.
- Handles GUI and database operations for menu items.
- Manages order details including CRUD operations.
- Controls payment functionalities.
- Manages customer ratings and reviews.
- CustomerID: Unique identifier for each customer.
- Name: Name of the customer.
- Email: Contact email of the customer.
- Phone: Contact phone number.
- OrderID: Unique identifier for each order.
- CustomerID: Identifier linking the order to a customer.
- OrderDate: Date when the order was placed.
- TypeID: Unique identifier for each menu item type.
- TypeName: Name of the menu item type (e.g., Appetizer, Main Course).
- MenuItemID: Unique identifier for each menu item.
- TypeID: Identifier linking the menu item to a type.
- Name: Name of the menu item.
- Price: Price of the menu item.
- OrderDetailID: Unique identifier for each order detail.
- OrderID: Identifier linking the order detail to an order.
- MenuItemID: Identifier linking the order detail to a menu item.
- Quantity: Quantity of the menu item ordered.
- PaymentID: Unique identifier for each payment.
- OrderID: Identifier linking the payment to an order.
- PaymentAmount: Amount of the payment.
- PaymentDate: Date when the payment was made.
- PaymentMethod: Method of payment (e.g., Cash, Credit Card).
- RatingID: Unique identifier for each rating.
- MenuItemID: Identifier linking the rating to a menu item.
- CustomerID: Identifier linking the rating to a customer.
- RatingValue: Rating value (e.g., 1 to 5 stars).
- Review: Text review of the menu item.
- Tkinter: GUI library for Python.
- MySQL Connector/Python: Connector for MySQL databases in Python.
- ChatGPT, an AI language Assistant, was used to assist with technical queries and guidance.