# My about page in github pages style
In the early days, I wanted to benefit GitHub github pages to publish and get up to date easily my resume. I don't have personal web hosting and I thought it can be useful.
Then, I realized other users could be interested in such a way. So, I decided to try to make a project to facilitate that. My goal is simple: let GitHub github members publish online a resume, an about page, a bio or whatever they want, only using GitHub github application with their browser.
If you want to try it, simply fork it and that's it!
- at the beginning, you have to fork this project and get your own repository. When the fork is finished, you can read this text at http://username.github.io/about (username is YOUR username on GitHub github).
- no master branch is defined in this project. The main branch is the gh-pages branch, which helps you to have content directly online. You can now create a new file to write your text. Be careful, the file must be in markdown format. You can use [GitHub flavored markdowwn] gfm if you want). Put whatever you want in the file name (about.md, resume.md, cv.md ...). You can edit the file directly with GitHub github.
- when you're done, you can take a look at configuration file to choose your own options. Here it is a minimal configuration you can try for the first time to rapidly have a visual result (in my example, I supposed you've create a file named resume.md). The following code must replace config.json content:
"avatarSize": 210,
"isToolbarEnabled": false,
"flag": "gb.png",
"label": "English",
"file": "resume.md"
"theme": "foghorn"
4. Voilà, your page is ready! You can see it at http://username.github.io/about.
Then, when you want to modify it, use [GitHub] [github] online editor and each time you'll save your file, your page
will be updated in the same time.
## Diving into all available options
Many options are available to customize your _about_ page. You can see them in __config.json__ file.
### Displaying his avatar
If you want to display your avatar, choose a width and use:
"avatarSize": 210
The value is the width you want your avatar takes in page. Remember avatar is a square with width equal to height. If you don't want to show your avatar, you can delete this line in config.json.
### Choose a theme Several themes are available (want to add your theme, pull me a request, you're welcome!) about page will use defined theme:
"theme": "colored"
If you don't know all themes and want to try them all, you can enable the tool bar and switch between them:
"isToolbarEnabled": true
### Making your about page international
You know at least 2 languages? You can write the same page in many languages and flag icons will appear on page to help visitors switch between languages. If only one language is defined, no flag will bother your visitors.
i18n configuration looks like that:
"flag": "fr.png",
"label": "Français",
"file": "LISEZMOI.md"
"flag": "gb.png",
"label": "English",
"file": "README.md"
"flag": "de.png",
"label": "Deutsch",
"file": "LESEN.md"
"flag": "es.png",
"label": "Espanol",
"file": "LEAME.md"
Each entry has 3 data:
- image file name to use to display flag (you can take a look to img/flags to know how many languages are available, you will find a lot of them).
- label you want to display when mouse is over flag (the title attribute for anchor)
- markdown file you want to read
The first element is used to display default about page.
When new release is available for aboutpage project, you can update your repository using only GitHub github application.
See below the way to do that:
- go to your project page, for example https://github.com/fmagnan/about
- click on pull request menu to go to https://github.com/fmagnan/about/pull/new/gh-pages
- then, instead of proposing a pull request to main repository, you request an update from main repository aboutpage aboutpage
- on the left side, choose your repository and on the right side, put aboutpage aboutpage repository
- merge request