Real time chat application, developed for instant messaging. User can create account, track notifcations, change their profile picture & send messages to their friends.
Do checkout the app: Web-Chat-Application
New users have to first register themselves by entering their Email & Password. If a user has already created an account before then they can click on 'Log In' and can directly get signed in to their account.
After signing up, a blank dashboard appears on the screen. To start the conversation click on the 'New Message' tab. This will show up a form where user have to enter the receiver's email address (Note: The receiver should also be a registered user of the app), then they can type their message and click on send.
Once the first message is sent to the receiver, a chat box is created in the left panel of the dashboard (Just like Whatsapp-web interface). The receiver will also receive a notification about the message. Messages by the sender will appear on the left side of the conversation panel whereas for the reciever it will be on the right hand side (Unlike Whatsapp-web interface).
If a sender wants to delete any message from the conversation they can hover over the message & click on delete icon. Doing this would delete that message from the database.
If users wants to delete complete chat then they can do that by clicking on the delete icon of the chat box. (Note: This is an irreversible process, doing this would delete all the chat history from both sender's & receiver's interface)
At last to log out from the account click on 'Sign Out' tab.