Codygen - is a Cody CLI wrapper delivering following features:
- construct the prompt from other files
- provide the context files
- call chat command
- parse chat response and fetch file content from the response and store it to the drive
- Install Cody CLI, or preferably open in a devcontainer ( it's just enough to open in a Codespace )
- Login to Cody CLI with your sourcegraph account
Here is how we generate this spec
- create codygen-petstore.config.ts
import { config, from } from 'codygen';
import { glob } from 'node:fs/promises';
export default config({
prompt: from('prompts').read(['', '']),
context: Array.fromAsync(
output: 'src/petstore',
- here are prompts, which we merge in a config We split them to break apart generic requirements such as abap and sepcifc product requirements. By doing this we can share promp parts in different scenarios
- here are context files we use
- specs/openapi/openapi_3_0.yaml - OpenApi spec in a yaml format
- specs/petstore/petstore3.json - Petstore spec implementing the petstore API
- src/openapi/zif_openapi_3_0.intf.abap - previously generated Openapi interface to make AI aware of the interface which describes openapi spec type
- samples/zcl_petstore_v3.clas.abap - sample implementation. Sample is important beacuse AI follows a pattern from a sample
- Run a command like
npx codygen --config codygen-petstore.config.ts