One stop destination for metro travel information
This app provides one single place for multiple
Welcome to the TransitPulse App, a C++ program that simplifies metro travel, manages user data, and offers a shortest route tracking system.
- User Data: Store and manage user information, including personal details and metro card information.
- Recharge: Conveniently recharge metro cards within the app.
- User Complaints: Allow users to register complaints or issues they encounter during their metro travel.
- Admin Resolution: Admin interface to view and resolve user complaints efficiently.
- User Information: Access detailed information about all users.
- Complaint Resolution: Resolve and track the status of user complaints.
- User-Friendly: Input start and end stations to get the shortest route on the Delhi Metro map.
- Line Information: Highlight the color-coded metro lines for user guidance.
- Install a C++ compiler.
- Ensure compatibility with your operating system.
- Clone the repository: bash git clone
- Compile the program: bash g++ -o transitpulse main.cpp
Run the compiled program: bash ./TransitPulse
Follow on-screen instructions to navigate the features.
- Access admin features by logging in with admin credentials.
- Resolve user complaints and manage user information.
Contributions are welcome! Follow these steps to contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix.
- Make changes and commit.
- Push your branch to your fork.
- Create a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.
- Thanks to the Delhi Metro for providing essential data for this project.
- Thanks to my teammates who worked along with me to complete this project on the given technology.
For issues and suggestions, feel free to open an issue. For major changes, please open a discussion first to discuss potential changes.