ailmedak is kademlia spelled backwards!
Ailmedak is a collection of libraries and protocols to spin up massively available distributed hash tables. It is inspired by Kademlia proposed by Petar Maymounkov and David Mazières.
Included is a binary to start a DHT node within a 160-bit namespace and a default k-factor of 8. Both of these can be tuneable (though the namespace size must be specified at compile time) Ailmedak's long term goal is to be almost exclusively stack-based. While this may be useful for extremely stringent performance requirements (but probably not) and/or in embedded systems the true reason behind this is because forcing no dynamic memory is a fun challenge :)
This is still a work in progress!
This is currently just a P system in terms of CAP theorem. It will eventually become AP
platform: Unix/Linux rust 1.5.0 optional: elixir, erlang for some scripts
- with cargo:
cargo run --bin main -- -p 3444 -a 8000
- from binary:
./main -p 3444 -a 8000
4 nodes on one process for development purposes
cargo run --bin multi