Laravel starter app and CRUD generator.
- Laravel - ^9.x
- Laravel Forify - ^1.x
- Laravel Debugbar - ^3.x
- Spatie permission - ^5.x
- Yajra datatable - ^10.x
- Intervention Image - ^2.x
- Mazer template - ^2.x
- Generator - ^0.1.x
- Authentication (Laravel Fortify)
- Login
- Register
- Forgot Password
- 2FA Authentication
- Update profile information
- Roles and permissions (Spatie Permission)
- CRUD User
- CRUD Generator
- Support more than 15 column type migration, like string, char, date, year, etc.
- Datatables (Yajra datatables)
- BelongsTo relation
- Model casting
- Image upload (Intervention Image)
- Support HTML 5 Input
- Request validations supported:
- required, in, image, min, max, string, email, number, date, exists, nullable, unique, comfirmed
- Clone or download from Releases
git clone
- CD into
cd generator
- Install Laravel dependency
composer install
- Create copy of
cp .env.example .env
- Generate laravel key
php artisan key:generate
- Set database name and account in
- Run Laravel migrate and seeder
php artisan migrate --seed
- Create the symbolic link
php artisan storage:link
- Start development server
php artisan serve
Go to /generators/create
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: password