Queue incoming HTTP requests and replay them later.
Usage: http-later [[-v|--verbose], ...] [-q|--quiet|-s|--silent]
[[-A|--accept=<aspec>]] [-S|--storage=<sspec>] [-r|--replay]
-A --accept=<aspec> accept requests; see Accepting Requests below
-q --quiet do not write any output
-s --silent alias for --quiet
-S --storage=<sspec> configure server storage; see Storage below
-T --tls=<certspec> enable TLS server and set default server cert
q.v., Accepting Request tls option for more info
-F --httpsonly force https security on incoming insecure requests for all accept queues
-v --verbose increase output; use multiple times for more output
Accepting Requests
The --accept option adds a rule describing requests which should be accepted
by http-later. The value is expected to be a comma-delimited list of colon-
delimited name:value pairs. The following names are recognized:
host host name on which to accept requests
forward host name to use when replaying requests
method HTTP method to accept
methods colon-delimited list of HTTP methods to accept
path URL path prefix to accept; 404 for other paths
paths colon-delimited list of URL path prefixes to accept
port port on which server should listen
tls paths to TLS certs (requires -T options); expects colon-delimited
file paths: [<pfx>|<cert>:<key>[[:<ca>], ...]]
httpsonly force https security on incoming insecure requests (flag)
Example: http-later --accept=host:example.com,methods:GET:POST,port:8080
By default, http-later will try to use a local redis server for storage and
prefix all redis keys with "later:". The --storage option can be used to
configure other storage options. The option is expected to be a comma-
delimited list of colon-delimited name:value pairs. The following names are
driver storage driver name, appended to "http-later-" to identify package
The default "redis" driver also recognized the following name:
keyspace key prefix to use for all redis keys
and Redis parameters like:
host redis server hostname (default:
port redis server port (default: 6379)
path redis server unix_path to socket (default: null)
url redis server URL (default: null)
Example: http-later --storage=keyspace:foo-
Example: accept and queue all incoming HTTP requests to /foo/*
http-later -Apath:/foo/
Example: accept and queue all secure requests to example.com
http-later -Ahost:example.com,tls:/path/to/cert:/path/to/key:/path/to/ca
Example: accept HTTP requests on port 8000
http-later -Aport:8000
Example: replay queued requests
http-later -r
Example: configure redis storage
http-later -Sdriver:redis,keyspace:later:
The HTTP Later module provides a command http-later
which can be used to
quickly setup an HTTP request queue. The default storage provider connects to
a local redis database for storing queued requests. Various options can be
applied to filter requests based on method, path, or protocol. By default, no
requests will be accepted and nothing will be queued.
When requests arrive, Later will check the request against filters, write the request to the storage provider, and return a response.
The request was accepted and queued for later.
The request was rejected because of the URL path. The --accept
options can
be used to configure which URL paths are allowed.
The request was rejected becasue of the HTTP method. The --accept
option can
be used to configure which methods are allowed.
Something went wrong trying to record the request.
The HTTP Later server generates and recognizes a few custom headers which can be used to control the replay of requests. It preserves headers except where noted here.
Sent by client to retry the request on failure. Sets the number of times the request should be tried. Defaults to 1.
X-Later-Attempts: 10
X-Later-Retry-After: 2015-04-01T12:34:56
X-Later-Retry-On: 403,503
Sent by client to have response posted to a callback URL after replay.
X-Later-Callback: https://example.com/receive-queued-response
Example callback request
POST /recieve-queued-response HTTP/1.1
Host: example.com
Content-Type: application/json
"req": {
"httpVersion": "1.1",
"method": "GET",
"url": "/path/to/resource?with=foo",
"headers": {
"Host": "service.example.com",
"X-Later-Server": "queue.example.com"
"res": {
"httpVersion": "1.1",
"status": 200,
"headers": {
"Content-Type": "text/plain;charset=ASCII",
"Content-Length": "3"
"body": "foo"
Sent by client to override the Host header during replay. The original Host header will be sent in the X-Later-Server header.
http-later request to queue.example.com and forwarded to service.example.com
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Host: queue.example.com
X-Later-Host: service.example.com
Example request passed on to service.example.com
GET /foo HTTP/1.1
Host: service.example.com
X-Later-Server: queue.example.com
Sent in response to client when a request is accepted to uniquely identify the queued request. Sent to destination during replay as a reference.
X-Later-Key: c74c1c6bf9c9fd10247e85252bd6a012
Sent by client to indicate the earliest time a retry should be attempted.
Expects ISO date (YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SS). Must be used in conjuntion with
(q.v., for example).
Sent by client to retry on specified response codes. Comma (,
) delimited
lists of HTTP status codes which should be retried. Must be used in conjuntion
with X-Later-Attempts
(q.v., for example).
Sent during replay when the Host header was overwritten using the X-Later-Host
header. Contains the original Host header sent by the client. q.v.,
for example.
By default, HTTP Later will replay requests over TLS if the incoming request comes over TLS. The client can send this header to force HTTP Later to replay the request over TLS with a value of "secure" and no-TLS with a values of "insecure".
X-Later-Host: public.example.com
X-Later-Secure: insecure
git clone [email protected]:Zingle/http-later.git
cd http-later
npm install -g
When replay is enabled, the request queue will be continuously scanned for new requests. The requests will then passed along to their destination. Requests which fail to connect will be retried for about 5 minutes and then fail. This failure may then trigger a retry if there are attempts left.
Storage can be customized by writing new storage drivers. The default storage
driver is redis
. This causes the http-later
to load the http-later-redis
module, which exports a constructor which is used to create a storage instance.
The http-later
server passes any storage options to the constructor as an
options object.
The following steps should be taken to implement a new storage driver.
- choose a name for the driver
- add dependency for
- create new class using
export fromhttp-later-storage
- call with
, andlog
arguments queue(object, function)
- store request object in queue
- execute callback with two arguments,
, andkey
should uniquely identify the queued request
- remove a request from the queue
- execute callback with three arguments,
, andkey
should be the unqueued requestkey
should be the original key
log(string, object, function)
- log result
- execute callback with
- call with
- install the module in the application
directory and name the module by taking the driver name and prefixing it withhttp-later-
var storage = require("http-later-storage"),
randomBytes = require("crypto").randomBytes.bind(null, 16);
* 'array' storage driver
* @constructor
var ArrayStorage = storage(
function(data, done) {
var key = randomBytes().toString("hex");
this.data = this.data || [];
key: key,
data: data
done(null, key);
function(done) {
this.data = this.data || [];
var data = this.data.unshift();
done(null, data.data, data.key);
function(key, result, done) {
this.log = this.log || {};
this.log[key] = result;
The http-later command expects to load drivers using package names beginning
with http-later-
. If the driver above is named http-later-array
installed to the node_modules
folder for http-later, the driver will be
loaded using something like:
http-later -Sdriver:array