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Environment configuration


"Development mode"

Start application: npm run start:development
Build application: npm run build:development

"Production mode"

Start application: npm run start:production
Build application: npm run build:production

Package update in project

Files affected by environment configuration:

  • .env.development (new)
  • .env.production (new)
  • RestClient.js (updated)
  • environment.js (updated)
  • package.json (updated by npm install and manually)
  • Menu/Menu.tsx

Deploying front-end to aws:

Create s3 bucket on AWS:

  • On the S3 console in ASW choose Create bucket
  • choose region: EU(Ireland) eu-west-1
  • In the Block Public Access settings for this bucket unflag Block all public access
  • Coose Create bucket

Change properties for the bucket:

  • In the properties for s3 bucket choose Static website hosting / Edit
  • Enable static web hosting
  • Type index.html for * Index document * and * Error document - optional* Save changes.
  • In the *Permissions * go to Access control list (ACL)/ Edit
  • Set a flag for List and Read for Everyone (public access) and for I understand the effects of these changes on my objects and buckets. Page is now public

In the react application:

  • Change URL/ public IP to get access to back-end
  • Build application: npm run build:production

Uploading react app

  • Upload files and static folder from build folder in your react app into s3 bucket/ Objects (you can use command aws s3 cp . s3:/// --recursive )
  • Go to properties of the bucket/ Static website hosting and copy the address of the web application. Test in the browser.

Route 53

  • Register domain < and evt. subdomain

Learn More

You can learn more in the Create React App documentation.

To learn React, check out the React documentation.