This project contains the GUI of a generic 3D printer using Processing 3.3.6. This is a free open-source project open to the public for modifications.
Things that are needed for running and editing the software:
- Java 8
- Processing 3.3.6
Within Processing 3.3.6, a couple libraries are needed for running the gui.pde:
- g4p_controls
- ToxicLibs (for temporary render)
To install the project for testing purposes, download the project from the provided GitHub link or clone the repository onto your computer.
To install Processing:
Go to > Download the latest version of Processing for your operating system > Follow installation instructions provided.
To add the required libraries to Processing:
Open Processing > Sketch > Import Library > Add Library > G4P and ToxicLibs.
To run gui.pde correctly, be sure to include all files/packages from other groups which are:
- Slicing
- Facet.pde
- Layer.pde
- Line.pde
- Model.pde
- STLConverter.pde
- STLParser.pde
- Slicer.pde
- Rendering
- Device Controller
To run the gui:
Go to where the project is located > Open gui.pde > Click the "Run" button (button that looks like a "Play" symbol).
- Zaid Bhujwala
- Zachary Boylan
- Rebecca Peralta
- George Ventura