I am ZTimestamp.
I am a Magnitude.
I represent a point in time, a combination of a date and a time.
I am an alternative for DateAndTime and TimeStamp.
I have second precision and live in the UTC/GMT/Zulu timezone.
I use ISO/International conventions and protocols only.
I support some essential arithmetic.
I have an efficient internal representation:
jnd - the julian day number <SmallInteger>
secs - the number of seconds since midnight, the beginning of the day <SmallInteger>
ZTimestamp now.
ZTimestamp fromString: '1969-07-20T20:17:40Z'.
There is some compatibility with existing, standard Chronology objects. I correctly parse representations with a timezone designator and can print a representation in arbitrary timezones.
(ZTimestamp fromString: DateAndTime now truncated printString) localPrintString.
This is a Pharo Smalltalk project using Monticello Filetree.
Sven Van Caekenberghe, April, 2012. MIT Licensed.