Production server OS:
Local development:
OpenSSL >=1.0.1
- with TLS v1.2 support
Version: 7.3
. -
allow_url_fopen = On
,memory_limit >= 128M
,post_max_size = 100M
,upload_max_filesize = 100m
,max_execution_time = 300
MySQL/MariaDB >=5.5 with InnoDB/XtraDB engine
First you will need to either checkout the project
git clone https://github.com/Xtraball/Siberian.git
or download the zip archive then extract it on your webserver.
npm install
then follow the instructions to update your local shell. -
Go into
folder then runnpm install
too. -
to hook custom modifications on the installed node_modules. -
./sb init
to init your local project. -
Configure your environment with either apache or nginx with the given generated templates from step 4.
When you're done with the previous steps, reload your web server, then install using the Web installer
- Go to
then follow the instructions
If a custom development is needed for a platform, cd
to the folder, then push to the local platform, the branch is named siberian
Platforms templates used to build/rebuild are installed from this directory, this ensure the platforms are synced & up-to-date everytime.
Rebuilding a platform
- run
siberian rebuild platformName
where platformName isandroid | ios | browser
- run
Siberian uses a Cordova fork for its applications base, we provide pre-built android & ios binaries for convenience as not everyone owns and can build using a Mac.
If you need to rebuild native source code for all platforms, you must have a Mac and Xcode with the Command-Line Tools installed.
Pre-built binaries allows you to customize all the HTML/JS/CSS Stack of the Apps without the need of a Mac.
Every plugin used in the project is forked on GitHub, they are added as submodules in the folder plugins
A default branch named siberian
is used to track and lock our modifications.
Our standalone modules are tracked into the folder modules
every module has it's own git, and is versioned independantly of the Siberian Editions
Available commands are:
Command | Description |
alias | Prints bash aliases to help development |
clearcache, cc | Clear siberian/var/cache |
clearlog, cl | Clear siberian/var/log |
cleanlang | Clean-up duplicates & sort languages CSV files |
db | Check if databases exists, otherwise create them |
export-db | Export db tables to schema files |
init | Initializes DB, project, settings. |
install | Install forks for cordova-lib. |
icons | Build ionicons font |
- install: install required dependencies (OSX Only). | |
icons [install] | |
ions | Start ionic serve in background |
rebuild | Rebuild a platform (requires Android SDK & Xcode, Command-Line Tools): |
- debug: option will show more informations. | |
- copy: copy platform to siberian/var/apps. | |
- no-manifest: don't call the rebuild manifest hook. | |
rebuild [copy] [debug] [no-manifest] | |
rebuild-all | Rebuild all platforms (requires Android SDK & Xcode, Command-Line Tools) |
syncmodule, sm | Resync a module in the Application |
type | Switch the Application type 'sae |
note: clearcache is called when changing type. | |
- reset: optional, will set is_installed to 0. | |
- empty: optional, clear all the database. | |
type [type] [reset] [empty] | |
test | Test PHP syntax |
pack | Pack a module into zip, file is located in ./packages/modules/ |
- If using from a module forlders module_name is optional | |
pack <module_name> | |
packall | Pack all referenced modules |
prepare | Prepare a platform (Doesn't requires Android SDK & Xcode, it's suitable for any HTML/JS/CSS Customization in the Apps): |
- debug: option will show more informations. | |
- copy: copy platform to siberian/var/apps. | |
- no-manifest: don't call the rebuild manifest hook. | |
prepare [copy] [debug] [no-manifest] | |
manifest | Rebuilds app manifest |
moduleversion, mver | Update all module version to or only the specified one, in database. |
- module_name is case-insensitive and is searched with LIKE %module_name% | |
- module_name is optional and if empty all modules versions are changed | |
moduleversion [module_name] | |
npm | Hook for npm version. |
npm | |
prod | Switch the Application mode to 'production'. |
dev | Switch the Application mode to 'development'. |
version | Prints the current Siberia version. |
linkmodule, lm | Symlink a module from ./modules/ to ./siberian/app/local/modules/ |
lm | |
unlinkmodule, ulm | Remove module symlink |
ulm | |
syncmodule, sm | Sync all sub-modules/platforms/plugins from git |