A free icon pack that's round and has some colourrrrrr.
- Supports multiple launchers thanks to an amazing dashboard by Dani Mahardhika, Zixpo and Donno.
- Over 780 themed icons.
If you have icons that you wanted to get themed, please request icons using the Icon Request tool in the app!
Use base.ai / base-light.ai depending on the original icon's colour scheme.
You can use something like Coolors for colour assistance.
- Bottom left colour is the same as the icon's default colour.
- Top right gradient is 1 shade lighter.
- Max width / height of 440.
- Shadow
- Opacity: 12%
- X Offset: 0px
- Y Offset: 32px
- Blur: 56px
- Mode: Multiply
- Colour: #000000
Popcons is made using Candybar FOSS. Icons are licenced under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) .