This boilerplate uses the latest versions of the technologies listed below as of August 23rd 2017
react v15.6.1
react-router-dom v4.1.1
axios v0.16.2
react-icons v2.2.5
bootstrap v4.0.0-beta
mocha v3.4.2
chai v3.5.0
chai-enzyme v0.8.0
webpack v3.0.0
webpack-dev-server v2.5.0
Checkout this repo and follow the instructions below!
> git clone
> cd react-redux-boilerplate
> Run `npm i` or `npm install`
> Start the dev server using `npm start`
> Open http://localhost:8080
npm start
- start the dev servernpm run clean
- delete the dist foldernpm run production
- create a production ready build indist
foldernpm run lint
- execute an eslint checknpm test
- run all tests
Run npm run production
. The production-ready code will be located under dist