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Thomas Nipen edited this page Dec 23, 2024 · 3 revisions

The -type map option plots verification scores separate for each location on a map. There are a.number of options that affect the way data is visualized.


Firstly, the colors can be set using -cmap. Some useful ones include RdBu, with is a red-white-blue colorscheme (full list of schemes). In general, to reverse a colorscheme, add on _r, such as RdBu_r. The colorscale is set automatically, but to override it to be between 0 and 2 for example, use -clim 0,2.

verif -m mbias -type map -cmap RdBu_r -clim 0,2

Background map

To add a background map, use -maptype. Use -maptype simple to add coastline, lakes, and country boundaries. Use -maptype sat to show satellite image and -maptype topo for topographic image (full list of options, e.g. -maptype World_Street_Map).

verif -m mbias -type map -maptype sat -cmap RdBu_r -clim 0,2

Aspect ratio

The projection used may skew the map in certain areas of the world. Use -aspect to force a certain aspect ratio. For example -aspect 2 will create a narrower, taller map.