These scripts are intended to use in the WCTE MC production with software container.
First clone this repository.
git clone
cd MC_Production
Then get the software container image according to instructions.
This script generates the mac files and shell scripts for running WCSim.
It generates mu- particle gun mac files under mac/
, and container run scripts under shell/
. By default, the particle is shot from the approximate beam window position towards the tank center (negative z-direction). There is also an option to generate random vertices in the detector.
All available options are
-h, --help: prints help message
-p, --pid=<name>: particle name (mu-, e-, etc.)
-b, --beam=<KE,wallDistance>: generate beam with KE in MeV, wallDistance (distance from vertex to blacksheet behind) in cm
-u, --uniform=<KElow,KEhigh>: generate random vertices with uniform KE in MeV
-n, --nevs=<val>: number of events per file
-f, --nfiles=<val>: numbe of files to be generated
-s, --seed=<val>: RNG seed used in this script
-c, --cds: disable CDS in WCSim
-k, --sukap: submit batch jobs on sukap
-d, --cedar=<account>: submit batch jobs on cedar with specified RAP account
To run the shell scripts with singularity,
# assume you have already run python3 -b 100,30 which produced
# mac/wcsim_mu-_Beam_100MeV_30cm_0000.mac and shell/
singularity exec -B ./:/mnt softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif bash /mnt/shell/
The -B
option binds the current directory to /mnt
inside the container so you can access the files and write the outputs there. The output root file and log are located at out/
and log/
To submit batch jobs on sukap, you first need to create a sandbox
singularity build --sandbox wcsim_sandbox softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif
Then you can run
with -k
python3 <other_options> -k
This produces the batch job scripts under pjdir
, and batch job logs (if any) are produced at pjout/
and pjerr/
. The -u
option is used with singularity to bypass the binding issue.
You need to run
with -d <account>
. If you do not know which RAP account is usable, follow the instructions to check.
python3 <other_options> -d <account>
This produces the batch job scripts under sldir
, and batch job logs (if any) are produced at slout/
and slerr/
Two event display root macros are placed under validation/
. They can be run with the container.
singularity exec -B ./:/mnt softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif root -l -b -q /mnt/validation/EventDisplay.c\(\"/mnt/out/wcsim_mu-_100MeV_30cm_\*\[0-9\].root\"\)
This reads the files out/wcsim_mu-_100MeV_30cm_*[0-9].root
and aggregates all events to produce PMT hit histograms of charges and times under fig/
singularity exec -B ./:/mnt softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif root -l -b -q /mnt/validation/EventDisplay_Compare.c\(\"/mnt/out/wcsim_mu-_100MeV_30cm_\*\[0-9\].root\",\"/mnt/out/wcsim_wCDS_mu-_100MeV_30cm_\*\[0-9\].root\"\,\"mu-\"\)
This reads two different sets of files, aggregates all events to produce PMT hit histograms and calculate the ratio between the two sets of histograms.
singularity exec -B ./:/mnt softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif root -l -b -q /mnt/validation/VertexDistribution.c\(\"/mnt/out/wcsim_mu-_100MeV_30cm_\*\[0-9\].root\"\)
This plots the vertex distribution of all the events.
singularity exec -B ./:/mnt softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif root -l -b -q /mnt/validation/EventDisplay_SingleEvent.c\(\"/mnt/out/wcsim_mu-_100MeV_30cm_\*\[0-9\].root\", evtID\)
This produces event display for the evtID
-th event.
WatChMaL provides a python package to convert WCSim root output into numpy array.
git clone
singularity run -B ./:/mnt softwarecontainer_v1.3.1.sif bash
source /opt/WCSim/build/
cd /mnt/DataTools
export DATATOOLS=`pwd`
python $DATATOOLS/root_utils/ root_file -d out_dir # reads root_file and produces .npz file in out_dir
# Geometry file, only need one
python $DATATOOLS/root_utils/ root_file geo_file_name.npz
To read the .npz file in python,
import numpy as np
npz_file = np.load(file_name, allow_pickle=True)
# check $DATATOOLS/root_utils/, for availale variables
hit_time = npz_file['digi_hit_time'] # this gets the pmt digi hit time