A simple Java API for re-projecting coordinates based on datums using GDAL.
First clone the repository:
$ git clone https://github.com/VertNet/reproject.git
$ cd reproject
Project dependencies, compiling, and building are all handled using Maven, so make sure you have that installed first. Also, since we're riding on GDAL for reprojections, you'll need to compile that for the native deps. For more about that, read this wiki.
After getting Mavin installed and the GDAL native bindings, you can compile the project:
$ mvn compile
To package it up into a standalone JAR with all dependencies into the target
$ mvn assembly:single
$ ls target | grep jar
Finally you can run it like this:
$ java -cp target/reproject-1.1.1-SNAPSHOT-jar-with-dependencies.jar org.vertnet.Reproject 1 -2 "wgs84"
Hello Reproject!
Point2D.Double[1.0, -2.0]