Built and deployed a Kanban board using ReactJS with API integration, enabling seamless task management. The app allows users to group tasks by status, user, and priority, ensuring an organized workflow.
- 🚀 Task Grouping: Organize tasks based on status, user, and priority.
- 🔍 Sorting: Sort tasks by priority and title, improving usability.
- 🔄 State Persistence: View state is maintained across page reloads.
- 🌐 Deployment: The project is deployed and accessible as a live website.
- 🎨 Pure CSS Design: Developed using pure CSS, without external UI libraries.
- Frontend: ReactJS
- Styling: Pure CSS
- API Integration: Fetching and managing data dynamically
🔗 Live Project URL (https://66e3fb4dfc0ec6dedd4fedd7--tiny-ganache-4ca8aa.netlify.app/)
🚀 Built with ❤️ by Veda