🌱 I’m currently learning .NET 5 C# 9, ASP.NET CORE 5
👨💻 All of my projects are available at https://github.com/VanHakobyan?tab=repositories
📝 I regulary write articles on https://vanikhakobyan.medium.com/
💬 Ask me about C#,EF, ASP.NET
📫 How to reach me [email protected]
📄 Know about my experiences https://www.linkedin.com/in/vanikhakobyan/
- New C# 9 Features Մաս 1 (Հայերեն)
- Մարդկային ռեսուրսների կառավարումը (ՄՌԿ) հայկական իրականության մեջ կամ ո՞րն է HR-ի գործառույթը։
- Interview-ների և Talk-երի հակառակ կողմը։ HR-ի ֆենոմենը։
- New C# 8 Features Մաս 2 (Հայերեն)
- New C# 8 Features Մաս 1 (Հայերեն)
First and foremost, I love writing code.
I hate selling myself. So here's quick things about me and my work. In, out, nobody gets hurt.
I specialize in the backend, APIs, web-services, and desktop applications. This means that I have familiarity with REST, Entity Framework, XAML, LINQ, and a commitment to gaining expertise in Microsoft .NET technologies stack. I've been developing in multinational companies since the 2017 year using SCRUM and best development practices.
I'm always looking for opportunity to improve the project I'm working on. One of my applications moved the company to entirely new level of sales, opening an entirely new market possibilities.