This repo will help use your DepthAI device to find and take pictures of license plates on Linux
Run these commands (the text after the $'s) in order
~ $ sudo apt install git
[sudo] password for user:
~ $ git clone
Cloned repo
~ $ cd license-plate-recognition-with-opencv
~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ sudo apt install python3-venv
~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ python3 -m venv venv
~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ source venv/bin/activate
These curl/wget commands will vary based on your system
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ bash -c "$(curl -fL" # macOS
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ sudo curl -fL | bash #
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ sudo wget -qO- | bash # Debian/Ubuntu
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ python3
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ sudo apt-get install libopencv-dev libtesseract-dev cmake build-essential libleptonica-dev liblog4cplus-dev libcurl3-dev beanstalkd
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ git clone
Cloned repo
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ cd openalpr/src
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv/openalpr/src $ mkdir build
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv/openalpr/src $ cd build
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv/openalpr/src/build $ cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH=/usr -DCMAKE_INSTALL_SYSCONFDIR:PATH=/etc ..
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv/openalpr/src/build $ make
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv/openalpr/src/build $ sudo make install
Made install
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv/openalpr/src $ cd ../../../
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ sudo rm -r openalpr
(venv) ~/license-plate-recognition-with-opencv $ sh
Opens window
After you run the last command in the installation section, a window should open with live footage of your DepthAI device.
The finding process wil start right after the script starts. After that, it will wait 3 seconds before starting again. You can check if it found a license plate in the console
Startup script called
Initial release
Yes. With Oracle VM VirtualBox and the VirtualBox Extension pack, you can run Linux in a virtual machine and give the VM access to the USB port holding the DepthAI device. Just install a Linux distrubution of your choice in the VM and follow the steps in the installation section
What do I do if I get an error bash: git: command not found
or bash: python: command not found
or bash: apt: command not found
bash: git: command not found
and bash: python: command not found
: That means you need to install Git and Python via APT or your other package manager
bash: apt: command not found
: Different Linux distros have different package managers. Debian, Ubuntu, and macOS use APT. Fedora, CentOS, and RedHat use Yum. Alpine Linux uses Pacman. openSUSE uses Zypper. To install the packages, run the APT commands above and replace apt
with yum
or pacman
or zypper