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WSO2 ESB mediator for

WSO2 ESB mediator implementation of logging agent.

What is and what does this Agent have to do with it? is an analytics and monitoring tool for integrated enterprise applications and digital business processes. can help organizations manage, develop, and run the digital parts of their day-to-day business. Read more from our web pages. works by analyzing transactions between enterprise applications and other pieces of software. This Agent helps to store data about the transactions to platform using Data API (version 2.0). See API documentation for detailed information about the API.

Technical requirements

  • Oracle Java 7/8, Or OpenJDK 8
  • WSO2 ESB (Tested with 4.7.0, 4.8.X, 4.9.0, 5.0.0)
  • WSO2 Enterprise Integrator EI 6.x (Tested with 6.5) : Agent Ver 1.2.6

Example usage

Before using the agent, it must be configured and copied to directory where ESB can find it. After installing and configuring, the agent can be used with ainoLog mediator.

1.1 Add as Maven/Gradle/Ivy dependency

Get the dependency snippet from here.

1.2 Install the mediator

Copy the AgentWso2ESB-x.y.jar to $WSO2_ESB_HOME/repository/components/dropins/.

2. Configuring the agent

As WSO2 ESB agent uses Java agent, it must be configured according to Java Agent Configuration. Java agent configuration should be in $WSO2_ESB_HOME/repository/conf/ainoLogMediatorConfig.xml (OR $WSO2_ESB_HOME/conf/ainoLogMediatorConfig.xml if you are using IE 6.6), where $WSO2_ESB_HOME is your WSO2 ESB installation directory. NOTE the agent is dependent on ESB axis2 configuration file. $WSO2_ESB_HOME/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml (OR $WSO2_ESB_HOME/conf/axis2/axis2.xml if you are using IE 6.6)

Additionally, one configured 'application' must have key esb.

3. Add certificate to WSO2 ESB

Export certificate

This instruction is for Chrome browser so if you are using another browser, please google how to export a ssl certificate from a site with your browser.

Open the site in the Chrome browser, and then click the small lock icon beside the URL in the address bar. Press Details and the developer toolbar opens in the lower part of the browser. Press View certificate. In the popup drag from the certificate icon and drop the certificate to the folder $WSO2_ESB_HOME/repository/resources/security/. A file named * was created.

Import it to the keystore

Then import the created *.cer file to the keystore. Check the current keystore password from $WSO2_ESB_HOME/repository/conf/axis2/axis2.xml (search for parameter called "truststore"). Then run command and give the password:

keytool -import -alias   -file * -keystore client-truststore.jks

4. Send a request to

Minimal example (only required fields)

<ainoLog status="success">
    <to applicationKey="app02" />

Only from or to field is allowed, as the mediator automatically sets the other to esb.

Full example

<ainoLog status="success">
    <operation key="update" />
    <message value="success" />
    <ids expression="//order/orderId" typeKey="dataType01" />
    <ids expression="//order/customerId" typeKey="dataType02" />
    <to applicationKey="app02" />
    <payloadType key="subInterface01" />
    <!-- Property fields can be used to send additional information (showed in metadata section in>
    <property expression="//someXpath" name="someProp" />
    <property expression="//someOtherXpath" name="someOtherProp" />
    <property expression="//someThirdXpath" name="someThirdProp" />

OR ver 1.2.5 onward if you wan't to use dynamic message text 
<ainoLog status="success">
    <operation key="update" />
    <message expression="//order/orderId" />
    <ids expression="//order/orderId" typeKey="dataType01" />
    <ids expression="//order/customerId" typeKey="dataType02" />
    <to applicationKey="app02" />
    <payloadType key="subInterface01" />
    <!-- Property fields can be used to send additional information (showed in metadata section in>
    <property expression="//someXpath" name="someProp" />
    <property expression="//someOtherXpath" name="someOtherProp" />
    <property expression="//someThirdXpath" name="someThirdProp" />

OR ver 1.2.8 onward you can use dynamic to, from and status (NOTE dynamic status atribute is called statusExpression)   AND you can also use both from and to elements together 
<ainoLog statusExpression="$ctx:statusPropertyValue">
    <operation key="update" />
    <message expression="//order/orderId" />
    <ids expression="//order/orderId" typeKey="dataType01" />
    <ids expression="//order/customerId" typeKey="dataType02" />
    <to expression="//order/toapplication" />
    <from expression="$ctx:fromAppliPropertyValue" />
    <payloadType key="subInterface01" />
    <!-- Property fields can be used to send additional information (showed in metadata section in>
    <property expression="//someXpath" name="someProp" />
    <property expression="//someOtherXpath" name="someOtherProp" />
    <property expression="//someThirdXpath" name="someThirdProp" />

OR ver 1.2.9 onward you can also use dynamic operation  
<ainoLog statusExpression="$ctx:statusPropertyValue">
    <operation expression="//order/operation" />
    <message expression="//order/orderId" />
    <ids expression="//order/orderId" typeKey="dataType01" />
    <ids expression="//order/customerId" typeKey="dataType02" />
    <to expression="//order/toapplication" />
    <from expression="$ctx:fromAppliPropertyValue" />
    <payloadType key="subInterface01" />
    <!-- Property fields can be used to send additional information (showed in metadata section in>
    <property expression="//someXpath" name="someProp" />
    <property expression="//someOtherXpath" name="someOtherProp" />
    <property expression="//someThirdXpath" name="someThirdProp" />

OR ver 1.2.10 onward you can also use dynamic payloadType 
New field called multiids, can be used to give multible different values for different IdTypes 
 Sample: first_id=1722||uuid=34565||some_other_id=value1,value2||some_other_id2=xxx 
<ainoLog statusExpression="$ctx:statusPropertyValue">
    <operation expression="//order/operation" />
    <message expression="//order/orderId" />
    <ids expression="//order/orderId" typeKey="dataType01" />
    <ids expression="//order/customerId" typeKey="dataType02" />
    <multiids expression="//order/customerId" />   <!-- Also valid with static value attribute: <multiids value"someStatic value"/> -->
    <to expression="//order/toapplication" />
    <from expression="$ctx:fromAppliPropertyValue" />
    <payloadType expression="//order/payloadtype" />
    <!-- Property fields can be used to send additional information (showed in metadata section in>
    <property expression="//someXpath" name="someProp" />
    <property expression="//someOtherXpath" name="someOtherProp" />
    <property expression="//someThirdXpath" name="someThirdProp" />

All 'keys' must match keys configured in Aino configuration file. Please note that the order of the configuration elements (child elements of ainoLog) must be as specified above (at least for now).

5. Enable logging to ESB log (wso2carbon.log)

The sent messages can be logged to ESB's log by setting INFO log level for class io.aino.agents.wso2.mediator.AinoMediator. The log level can be changed via ESB's Management Console by going to Configure -> Logging.


Technical requirements

  • Oracle Java 7/8, Or OpenJDK 8
  • Maven 3.X
  • WSO2 ESB


Copyright © 2016 Licensed under the Apache 2.0 License.


WSO2 ESB implementation of logging agent







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