This is a plugin for EXILED that allows calling and voting for Kick, RestartRound, Kill, RespawnWave, or custom votes using KEYBINDS or CONSOLE COMMANDS in the same format as the Source Engine (Left 4 Dead 2/Counter-Strike: Global Offensive).
Setting Key | Value Type | Default Value | Description |
is_enabled | bool | true | Enables or disabled the plugin |
enable_kick | boolean | true | Can players use callvote kick? |
enable_kill | boolean | true | Can players use callvote kill? |
enable_nuke | boolean | true | Can players use callvote nuke? |
enable_respawn_wave | boolean | true | Can players use callvote respawnwave? |
enable_restart_round | boolean | true | Can players use callvote restartround? |
vote_duration | int | 30 | Number of seconds for a vote to last for. |
vote_cooldown | int | 5 | Cooldown (in seconds) between each callvote. |
max_amount_of_votes_per_round | float | 10 | Maximum amount of callvotes a player can do in a round |
max_wait_kill | float | 0 | Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote kill be available |
max_wait_kick | float | 0 | Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote kick be available |
max_wait_nuke | float | 0 | Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote nuke be available |
max_wait_respawn_wave | float | 0 | Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote respawnwave be available |
max_wait_restart_round | float | 0 | Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote restartround be available |
threshold_kick | integer | 30 | Percentage threshold required for a player to be kicked. |
threshold_kill | integer | 30 | Percentage threshold required for a player to be killed. |
threshold_nuke | integer | 30 | Percentage threshold required to explode ALPHA WARHEAD. |
threshold_respawn_wave | integer | 30 | Percentage threshold required to respawn a MTF or CI wave. |
threshold_restart_round | integer | 30 | Percentage threshold required to restart the round. |
broadcast_size | int | 0 | Changes the broadcast size to user's preference, leave it at 0 to use Callvote's re-size logic |
Permission | Command | Description |
cv.callvote | .callvote (Parameter) | Allows players to use .callvote |
cv.bypass | .callvote (Parameter) | Bypasses permissions requeriments, time and maxium amount of votes |
cv.unlimitedvotes | .callvote (Parameter) | Bypasses max_amount_of_votes_per_round |
cv.callvotekick | .callvote kick | Gives permission to use .callvote kick |
cv.callvotekill | .callvote kill | Gives permission to use .callvote kill |
cv.callvotenuke | .callvote nuke | Gives permission to use .callvote nuke |
cv.callvoterespawnwave | .callvote respawnwave | Gives permission to use .callvote respawnwave |
cv.callvoterestartround | .callvote restartround | Gives permission to use .callvote restartround |
cv.callvotecustom | .callvote "Custom Question" ... | Gives permission to use .callvote "Custom Question" ... |
cv.stopvote | .stopvote | Stops current vote |
cv.untouchable | .callvote kick/kill | Player cannot be kicked or killed |
cv.superadmin+ | .callvote (Parameter) | Allows player to rig the system ![]() |
Server Command | Client Command | Parameters | Description |
callvote | .callvote binary | "Custom Question" | Vote on a custom yes/no question. |
callvote | .callvote custom | "Custom Question" option(detail) option(detail) ... | Vote on a question with multiple options |
callvote kick | .callvote kick | [player] | Vote to kick a player. |
callvote kill | .callvote kill | [player] | Vote to kill a player. |
callvote nuke | .callvote nuke | [none] | Vote to nuke the facility. |
callvote respawnwave | .callvote respawnwave | [none] | Vote to restart a round. |
callvote restartround | .callvote restartround | [none] | Vote to restart a round. |
stopvote | .callvote stopvote | [none] | Stops a vote currently in progress |
yes (or translation) | .yes (or translation) | [none] | Vote option |
no (or translation) | .no (or translation) | [none] | Vote option |
mtf (or translation) | .mtf (or translation) | [none] | Vote option |
ci (or translation) | .ci (or translation) | [none] | Vote option |
(custom) | .(custom) | [none] | Vote option |
is_enabled: true
debug: false
enable_kick: true
enable_kill: true
enable_nuke: true
enable_respawn_wave: true
enable_round_restart: true
vote_duration: 30
vote_cooldown: 5
max_amount_of_votes_per_round: 10
max_wait_kill: 0
max_wait_kick: 0
max_wait_nuke: 0
max_wait_respawn_wave: 0
max_wait_restart_round: 0
threshold_kick: 30
threshold_kill: 30
threshold_nuke: 30
threshold_respawn_wave: 30
threshold_restart_round: 30
broadcast_size: 0
# %player%, %VotePercent%, %Offender%, %ThresholdKick%, %ThresholdRespawnWave%, %ThresholdNuke%, %ThresholdKill%, %ThresholdRestartRound%, %OptionKey%, %Option%, %Counter%, %Timer%, %Custom%
max_vote: 'Max amounts of votes done this round'
voting_in_progress: 'A vote is currently in progress.'
players_with_same_name: 'Multiple players have a name or partial name of %Player%. Please use a different search string.'
option_yes: '<color=green>YES</color>'
option_no: '<color=red>NO</color>'
player_kicked: '%Offender% was kicked for %Reason%.'
asked_to_kill: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Kick %Offender% for %Reason%?'
untouchable: '%VotePercent%% voted to kill or kick you.'
not_success_full_kick: '%VotePercent%% voted yes, but %ThresholdKick%% was required to kick %Offender%.'
player_not_found: 'Did not find any players with the name or partial name of %Player%'
no_option_available: 'Vote does not have that option.'
already_voted: 'You''ve already voted.'
vote_accepted: 'You voted %Reason%.'
no_permission_to_vote: 'You do not have permission to run this command!'
voting_stoped: 'Vote stopped.'
results: |
Final results:
option_and_counter: ' %Option% (%Counter%) '
options: '.%OptionKey% = %Option% '
asked_question: |
<color=#bce3a3>Press ~ and type</color> or <color=#939383>Set the keybind in Server-specific!</color>
option_mtf: '<color=blue>MTF</color>'
option_ci: '<color=green>CI</color>'
ci_respawn: '%VotePercent%% voted <color=green>YES</color>. Forcing the reappearing of CI..'
mtf_respawn: '%VotePercent%% voted <color=green>YES</color>. Forcing the reappearing of MTF..'
no_success_full_respawn: '%VotePercent%% voted no. %ThresholdRespawnWave%% was required to respawn the next wave.'
asked_to_respawn: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Respawn the next wave?'
asked_to_nuke: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: NUKE THE FACILITY?!??'
foundation_nuked: '%VotePercent%% voted yes. Nuking the facility...'
no_success_full_nuke: 'Only %VotePercent%% voted yes. %ThresholdNuke%% was required to nuke the facility.'
no_success_full_kill: 'Only %VotePercent%% voted yes. + %ThresholdKill%% was required to kill locatedPlayerName'
player_killed: '%VotePercent%% voted yes. Killing player %Offender%'
vote_respawn_wave_disabled: 'Callvote RespawnWave is disabled.'
vote_kick_disabled: 'Callvote kick is disabled.'
vote_kill_disabled: 'Callvote kill is disabled.'
vote_nuke_disabled: 'Callvote nuke is disabled.'
vote_restart_round_disabled: 'Callvote restartround is disabled.'
asked_to_kick: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Kick %Offender% for %Reason%?'
asked_to_restart: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Restart the round?'
round_restarting: '%VotePercent% voted yes. Restarting the round...'
no_success_full_restart: 'Only %VotePercent%% voted yes. %ThresholdRestartRound%% was required to restart the round.'
voting_started: 'Vote has been started!'
no_voting_in_progress: 'There is no vote in progress.'
wait_to_vote: 'You should wait %Timer%s before using this command.'
asked_custom: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: %Custom%'
pass_reason: 'You need to pass a reason!'
less_than_two_options: 'You cannot create a custom voting without 2 options!'
vote_keybind: 'Vote'
keybind_hint: 'Set this keybind to vote'
# Commands:
command_yes: 'yes'
command_no: 'no'
command_chaos_insurgency: 'ci'
command_mobile_task_force: 'mtf'
duplicate_command: 'Its not possible to create a custom command with the same name!' for helping me with new logic and translations. for giving the permission to continue the development of callvote. for giving adivice and guidance while I was rewritting the plugin