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A dedicated plugin that allows calling different types of votes in SCP:SL.


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This is a plugin for EXILED that allows calling and voting for Kick, RestartRound, Kill, RespawnWave, or custom votes using KEYBINDS or CONSOLE COMMANDS in the same format as the Source Engine (Left 4 Dead 2/Counter-Strike: Global Offensive).



Configuration Settings

Setting Key Value Type Default Value Description
is_enabled bool true Enables or disabled the plugin
enable_kick boolean true Can players use callvote kick?
enable_kill boolean true Can players use callvote kill?
enable_nuke boolean true Can players use callvote nuke?
enable_respawn_wave boolean true Can players use callvote respawnwave?
enable_restart_round boolean true Can players use callvote restartround?
vote_duration int 30 Number of seconds for a vote to last for.
vote_cooldown int 5 Cooldown (in seconds) between each callvote.
max_amount_of_votes_per_round float 10 Maximum amount of callvotes a player can do in a round
max_wait_kill float 0 Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote kill be available
max_wait_kick float 0 Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote kick be available
max_wait_nuke float 0 Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote nuke be available
max_wait_respawn_wave float 0 Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote respawnwave be available
max_wait_restart_round float 0 Time (in seconds) after the round starts to the command callvote restartround be available
threshold_kick integer 30 Percentage threshold required for a player to be kicked.
threshold_kill integer 30 Percentage threshold required for a player to be killed.
threshold_nuke integer 30 Percentage threshold required to explode ALPHA WARHEAD.
threshold_respawn_wave integer 30 Percentage threshold required to respawn a MTF or CI wave.
threshold_restart_round integer 30 Percentage threshold required to restart the round.
broadcast_size int 0 Changes the broadcast size to user's preference, leave it at 0 to use Callvote's re-size logic


Permission Command Description
cv.callvote .callvote (Parameter) Allows players to use .callvote
cv.bypass .callvote (Parameter) Bypasses permissions requeriments, time and maxium amount of votes
cv.unlimitedvotes .callvote (Parameter) Bypasses max_amount_of_votes_per_round
cv.callvotekick .callvote kick Gives permission to use .callvote kick
cv.callvotekill .callvote kill Gives permission to use .callvote kill
cv.callvotenuke .callvote nuke Gives permission to use .callvote nuke
cv.callvoterespawnwave .callvote respawnwave Gives permission to use .callvote respawnwave
cv.callvoterestartround .callvote restartround Gives permission to use .callvote restartround
cv.callvotecustom .callvote "Custom Question" ... Gives permission to use .callvote "Custom Question" ...
cv.stopvote .stopvote Stops current vote
cv.untouchable .callvote kick/kill Player cannot be kicked or killed
cv.superadmin+ .callvote (Parameter) Allows player to rig the system :trollface:


Server Command Client Command Parameters Description
callvote .callvote binary "Custom Question" Vote on a custom yes/no question.
callvote .callvote custom "Custom Question" option(detail) option(detail) ... Vote on a question with multiple options
callvote kick .callvote kick [player] Vote to kick a player.
callvote kill .callvote kill [player] Vote to kill a player.
callvote nuke .callvote nuke [none] Vote to nuke the facility.
callvote respawnwave .callvote respawnwave [none] Vote to restart a round.
callvote restartround .callvote restartround [none] Vote to restart a round.
stopvote .callvote stopvote [none] Stops a vote currently in progress
yes (or translation) .yes (or translation) [none] Vote option
no (or translation) .no (or translation) [none] Vote option
mtf (or translation) .mtf (or translation) [none] Vote option
ci (or translation) .ci (or translation) [none] Vote option
(custom) .(custom) [none] Vote option

Config File

  is_enabled: true
  debug: false
  enable_kick: true
  enable_kill: true
  enable_nuke: true
  enable_respawn_wave: true
  enable_round_restart: true
  vote_duration: 30
  vote_cooldown: 5
  max_amount_of_votes_per_round: 10
  max_wait_kill: 0
  max_wait_kick: 0
  max_wait_nuke: 0
  max_wait_respawn_wave: 0
  max_wait_restart_round: 0
  threshold_kick: 30
  threshold_kill: 30
  threshold_nuke: 30
  threshold_respawn_wave: 30
  threshold_restart_round: 30
  broadcast_size: 0

Translation File

# %player%, %VotePercent%, %Offender%, %ThresholdKick%, %ThresholdRespawnWave%, %ThresholdNuke%, %ThresholdKill%, %ThresholdRestartRound%, %OptionKey%, %Option%, %Counter%, %Timer%, %Custom%
  max_vote: 'Max amounts of votes done this round'
  voting_in_progress: 'A vote is currently in progress.'
  players_with_same_name: 'Multiple players have a name or partial name of %Player%. Please use a different search string.'
  option_yes: '<color=green>YES</color>'
  option_no: '<color=red>NO</color>'
  player_kicked: '%Offender% was kicked for %Reason%.'
  asked_to_kill: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Kick %Offender% for %Reason%?'
  untouchable: '%VotePercent%% voted to kill or kick you.'
  not_success_full_kick: '%VotePercent%% voted yes, but %ThresholdKick%% was required to kick %Offender%.'
  player_not_found: 'Did not find any players with the name or partial name of %Player%'
  no_option_available: 'Vote does not have that option.'
  already_voted: 'You''ve already voted.'
  vote_accepted: 'You voted %Reason%.'
  no_permission_to_vote: 'You do not have permission to run this command!'
  voting_stoped: 'Vote stopped.'
  results: |
    Final results:
  option_and_counter: ' %Option% (%Counter%) '
  options: '.%OptionKey% = %Option% '
  asked_question: |
     <color=#bce3a3>Press ~ and type</color> or <color=#939383>Set the keybind in Server-specific!</color>
  option_mtf: '<color=blue>MTF</color>'
  option_ci: '<color=green>CI</color>'
  ci_respawn: '%VotePercent%% voted <color=green>YES</color>. Forcing the reappearing of CI..'
  mtf_respawn: '%VotePercent%% voted <color=green>YES</color>. Forcing the reappearing of MTF..'
  no_success_full_respawn: '%VotePercent%% voted no. %ThresholdRespawnWave%% was required to respawn the next wave.'
  asked_to_respawn: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Respawn the next wave?'
  asked_to_nuke: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: NUKE THE FACILITY?!??'
  foundation_nuked: '%VotePercent%% voted yes. Nuking the facility...'
  no_success_full_nuke: 'Only %VotePercent%% voted yes. %ThresholdNuke%% was required to nuke the facility.'
  no_success_full_kill: 'Only %VotePercent%% voted yes. + %ThresholdKill%% was required to kill locatedPlayerName'
  player_killed: '%VotePercent%% voted yes. Killing player %Offender%'
  vote_respawn_wave_disabled: 'Callvote RespawnWave is disabled.'
  vote_kick_disabled: 'Callvote kick is disabled.'
  vote_kill_disabled: 'Callvote kill is disabled.'
  vote_nuke_disabled: 'Callvote nuke is disabled.'
  vote_restart_round_disabled: 'Callvote restartround is disabled.'
  asked_to_kick: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Kick %Offender% for %Reason%?'
  asked_to_restart: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: Restart the round?'
  round_restarting: '%VotePercent% voted yes. Restarting the round...'
  no_success_full_restart: 'Only %VotePercent%% voted yes. %ThresholdRestartRound%% was required to restart the round.'
  voting_started: 'Vote has been started!'
  no_voting_in_progress: 'There is no vote in progress.'
  wait_to_vote: 'You should wait %Timer%s before using this command.'
  asked_custom: '%Player% <color=#EEDC8A>asks</color>: %Custom%'
  pass_reason: 'You need to pass a reason!'
  less_than_two_options: 'You cannot create a custom voting without 2 options!'
  vote_keybind: 'Vote'
  keybind_hint: 'Set this keybind to vote'
  # Commands:
  command_yes: 'yes'
  command_no: 'no'
  command_chaos_insurgency: 'ci'
  command_mobile_task_force: 'mtf'
  duplicate_command: 'Its not possible to create a custom command with the same name!'

Special thanks to: for helping me with new logic and translations. for giving the permission to continue the development of callvote. for giving adivice and guidance while I was rewritting the plugin


A dedicated plugin that allows calling different types of votes in SCP:SL.







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