Check out RoleBots Site
Checkout RoleBots Discord support server
It is ideal that you do this in a linux environment. You can run this bot just fine in Windows Subsystem for Linux ( WSL). This is what I use. If you want to install this go here.
For the sake of this "guide" I am setting up in a debian (Ubuntu/WSL) enviroment for yarn and nvm.
To install nvm
you need to use curl
, incase you don't have curl
installed here's the command to install
$ sudo apt install curl
$ curl -o- | bash`
Now you need to logout and login again to load the nvm
environment correctly, or you can run this command to do the
$ source ~/.profile
$ nvm --version
Since this version of the bot at time of writing uses [email protected]
we're required to use node@18
minimum. So
let's install node@18
with nvm and set the default version to 18.
$ nvm install 18 && nvm alias default 18
Now let's install yarn
npm install --global yarn`
If you don't have git
installed do this..
$ sudo apt install git
Now that we have git
installed let's clone down the repo, change directory, and install our dependecies.
$ git clone
$ cd RoleBot
$ yarn install
Great! We should have our dependencies installed. Now let's update some tokens so we can turn the bot on.
I use dotenv
and have an example .env in this repo here.
You can copy it and make a new file .env
- You should never share your .env with annybody, it contains sensitive
# ↓ Set to 1 if you're working in a dev environment.
If you experince any issues please join the support server and ask for help!
RoleBot is a Discord application solely focused on creating "Reaction Roles" in servers.
It achieves this by lettings users use the carefully crafted commands here to create an association between a Discord role and emoji.
The users are also encouraged to put their newly made react roles into a "category". This helps the user and the bot break up all the react roles that the user creates and makes it easier to manage.
For example you might want to create a collection of roles, maybe some "color" roles. So you create a "color" category and add all the color related react roles to it.
That's the TLDR; for RoleBot! Using it is super simple! But the code behind it to make sure it all works is a little lengthy. And now hopefully pretty after this rewrite.