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USS IT Script Library

A repository of all frequently used scripts.

How To Use

To clone and work in this repo, you'll need Git installed on your computer. From your command line:

# Clone this repository
$ git clone

# Go into the repository
$ cd ScriptLibrary

# Make sure you create your own branch and get to work!
# You'll need to make a pull request for any changes to be pushed to production.


Click on the arrow by the script name to see brief documentation and usage notes.

Active Directory and Exchange

Export-ADUsersToCSV.ps1 Output the members of a group to CSV file or show it in a pop-up. This includes nested members.
Find-ADEmailInfo.ps1 Search for accounts with primary mail and aliases using given wildcard *, showing information about any associated mail management (OLGroups) found.

For example, *communications* will show accounts with the word "communications" included in their primary or alias email addresses.

Find-ADMailboxesByOwner.ps1 Outputs all shared service account mailboxes owned or co-owned by the given user.
Get-ADEoLComputers.ps1 Outputs information on EOL computers from AD.
Get-ADOperatingSystem.ps1 Get OperatingSystemVersion reported by AD for given computer name.
Get-ADUserGroups.ps1 Outputs a user's groups to a CSV file or show it in a pop-up. Can include all nested groups.
Get-ADUserInfoFromList.ps1 Returns a list of users from AD given a CSV containing their Emails or JHEDs. Input CSV file must have column header "User". This can be either an email address (including aliases), UPN, or username/JHED.
Get-DMCGroupMembers.ps1 Show DMC group memberships for given domain user. Does NOT require RSAT tools.
Get-USSStaffAll.ps1 Outputs all staff and contractors in USS where company="USS" to a CSV file "uss_staff.csv" saved in OneDrive.

Asset management

Create-AssetImportFiles.ps1 Creates import files for Snipe-It, SCCM, and JHARS from a Dell report exported as CSV. Can copy the files for SCCM and Snipe-It into their import paths.
Create-SCCMImportFromSnipeit.ps1 Creates an import file for SCCM from a previous Snipe-It export for re-importing a computer that's fallen out of SCCM, optionally copying over the file to the SCCM import path.
Get-StalePCAssetInfo.ps1 Compiles a report of assets to be deleted cross-referenced with our SOR (Snipe-It). The asset report must have the "ComputerName" column.

Network Shares

Get-ACLReport.ps1 Returns all changed security permissions (ACL) and owners for subfolders starting at given root folder. Can compile results into a CSV file. This may take a while to complete when run on a remote network share.

Printer Management

Get-PrinterInfo.ps1 Gets installed printer info for an online computer. Attempts to resolve WSD to IP addresses.

Remote Administration

Enable-RemoteDesktop.ps1 Remotely enables Remote Desktop for the target computer using WMI.
Enable-RemoteWifiAdapter.ps1 Uses WMI to remotely enable any disabled WiFi adapters for a system online with ethernet.
Get-WMIBatteryHealth.ps1 Uses WMI to query info on an online computer's battery health and current capacity.
Get-WMIMemorySlots.ps1 Uses WMI to query info on an online computer's installed and free memory slots.
Get-WMIOperatingSystem.ps1 Uses WMI to query an online computer's operating system info.
Get-WMISoftware.ps1 Uses WMI to query an online computer's installed software. This should match Add/Remove Programs.
Get-WMIStorageInfo.ps1 Uses WMI to query an online computer's disk info (free space, type, etc.)
Get-WMIUptime.ps1 Uses WMI to query an online computer's uptime. Note Power > Shutdown will not reset this value.
Manage-LocalAdmin.ps1 Remotely disables or enables a local account on a given machine. This must be run under an account with local admin access on the target computer.
Rename-Computer-SC.ps1 Renames a remote computer using modern credentials (including virtual smartcards).


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