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Segment White Mater Lesions (WML) in T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images using FSL and U-Net


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Segment White Matter Lesions (WML) in T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images using FSL and U-Net

What does the pipeline do?

This pipeline allows white matter lesions (WMLs) to be segmented from a subject's T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images from the same scanning session. The analysis steps (including pre- and post- processing) make use of the following tools:

  • FSL (FMRIB Software Library) : a library of analysis tools for FMRI, MRI and diffusion brain imaging data.

  • UNet-pgs : A segmentation pipeline for white matter hyperintensities (WMHs) using U-Net.

  • Nipoppy : A Python package to structure DICOM and NIFTI images in BIDS format

For details of the processing steps, see the pipeline documentation.

The pipeline is available as a Docker or Apptainer container, allowing it to be run on many different systems.

How to run the pipeline?

Setting up and running the pipeline requires the following steps, which are explained in detail in the sections below:

%%{init: {"flowchart": {"htmlLabels": false}} }%%
flowchart TD
    installation("`Install prerequisites`")
    convert("`Ensure data is in BIDS format`")
    run("`Run the container with Docker / Apptainer`")
    installation --> convert
    convert --> run

1. Install prerequisites

If your MRI data isn't in BIDS format, it is recommended to install Nipoppy.

If you want to run the container via Docker, install Docker Desktop. They have installation instructions for Mac, Windows and Linux systems.

If you want to use Apptainer instead, then follow the installation instructions on their website.

2. Convert data to BIDS format (if required)

If your data isn't structured in BIDS format, we recommend you use Nipoppy to restructure your into the required format.

For detailed instructions on the BIDSification process, please see the excellent guide written by the ENIGMA-PD core team for the FS7 pipeline.

Once you have converted your data to BIDS format, your data directory should have the following structure:

│   └───ses-1
│       └───anat
│           ├───sub-1_ses-1_T1w.nii.gz
│           └───sub-1_ses-1_FLAIR.nii.gz
│   └───ses-1
│       └───anat
│           ├───sub-1_ses-1_T1w.nii.gz
│           └───sub-1_ses-1_FLAIR.nii.gz

3. Run the container


When running the container, make sure you run the command from the top-level directory of your BIDS-structured data, e.g. the data directory in this example folder structure


There are some optional arguments you can add to the end of the Docker / Apptainer command.


If you encounter issues when running the pipeline, check the output logs for any errors.

Using Docker

The image is available on Docker Hub in the enigma-pd-wml repository.

To run the analysis using Docker:

docker run -v "${PWD}":/data hamiedaharoon24/enigma-pd-wml:<tag>

where <tag> is the version of the image you would like to pull.

Note, the image will be downloaded from Docker Hub the first time you run a particular version of the image.

Using Apptainer

To run the analysis with Apptainer, you will first need to build an image based on the Docker image available on Docker Hub.

apptainer build enigma-pd-wml-<tag>.sif docker://hamiedaharoon24/enigma-pd-wml:<tag>

where <tag> is the version of the image you would like to pull. For example, to build an Apptainer image from version 0.7.0 of the Docker image:

apptainer build enigma-pd-wml-0.7.0.sif docker://hamiedaharoon24/enigma-pd-wml:0.7.0

This will create an enigma-pd-wml-0.7.0.sif image file in your current working directory.

To run the analysis (changing the version number in the filename if necessary):

apptainer run --bind "${PWD}":/data enigma-pd-wml-0.7.0.sif

Note, this requires either:

  • the enigma-pd-wml-0.7.0.sif file is in your current working directory (which should be your top-level BIDS data directory)
  • or, you provide the full path to the .sif file in the command


  • -n : the number of jobs to run in parallel. Defaults to 1. See also potentials issues of increased memory usage when running in parallel.

  • -o : overwrite existing intermediate files

    When this flag is set, the pipeline will run all steps of the pipeline, overwriting any previous output for a given session.

    When this flag is not set, the pipeline will re-use any existing output files, skipping steps that have previously been completed. This is useful if, for example, the pipeline fails at a late stage and you want to run it again, without having to re-run time-consuming earlier steps. This is the default behaviour.

  • -f : Path to a file containing a list of subjects to target.

    The path must be relative to your data directory, and the file must be within the data/ directory or one of its sub-directories. The file must contain one subject per line, e.g.

  • -s : Comma-separated list of subjects to include in the analysis, e.g. -s sub-1,sub-2,sub-3


If both -f and -s are omitted, the pipeline will be run on all subjects.

Pipeline output

Output images

After running your analysis, your data directory should have the following structure:

├── dataset_description.json
├── derivatives
│   └── enigma-pd-wml
│       ├── enigma-pd-wml.log
│       ├──
│       └── sub-1
│           ├── ses-1
│           │   ├── input/
│           │   ├── output/
│           │   ├── sub-1_ses-1.log
│           │   └──
│           └── ses-2
│               ├── input/
│               ├── output/
│               ├── sub-1_ses-2.log
│               └──
├── sub-1
│   ├── ses-1
│   │   └── anat
│   │       ├── sub-1_ses-1_FLAIR.nii.gz
│   │       └── sub-1_ses-1_T1w.nii.gz
│   └── ses-2
│       └── anat
│           ├── sub-1_ses-2_FLAIR.nii.gz
│           └── sub-1_ses-2_T1w.nii.gz

Session-level zip files

The pipeline will generate multiple .zip files - one per session, stored within the corresponding session sub-folder, e.g. derivatives/enigma-pd-wml/sub-1/ses-1/

These zip files should contain 12 files:

  • results2mni_lin.nii.gz: WML segmentations linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_lin_deep.nii.gz: WML segmentations (deep white matter) linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2min_lin_perivent.nii.gz: WML segmentations (periventricular) linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_nonlin.nii.gz: WML segmentations non-linearly warped to MNI space.

  • results2min_nonlin_deep.nii.gz: WML segmentations (deep white matter) non-linearly warped to MNI space.

  • results2mni_lin_jhuwmtracts.nii.gz: WML segmentations (on jhu-icbm white matter tracts) linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_lin_striatal.nii.gz: WML segmentations (on striatal connections) linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • results2mni_nonlin_perivent.nii.gz: WML segmentations (periventricular) non-linearly warped to MNI space.

  • results2mni_nonlin_jhuwmtracts.nii.gz: WML segmentations (on jhu-icbm white matter tracts) non-linearly warped to MNI space.

  • results2mni_nonlin_striatal.nii.gz: WML segmentations (on striatal connections) non-linearly warped to MNI space.

  • T1_biascorr_brain_to_MNI_lin.nii.gz: T1 bias-corrected brain linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • FLAIR_biascorr_brain_to_MNI_lin.nii.gz: FLAIR bias-corrected brain linearly transformed to MNI space.

  • T1_biascorr_brain_to_MNI_nonlin.nii.gz: T1 bias-corrected brain non-linearly warped to MNI space.

  • FLAIR_biascorr_brain_to_MNI_nonlin.nii.gz: FLAIR bias-corrected brain non-linearly warped to MNI space.

Top-level zip file

A top-level zip file will also be created (derivatives/enigma-pd-wml/ This will contain all zip files for each session.

Please send this top-level zip file to the ENIGMA-PD Vasc team.

Intermediate files

The pipeline generates several intermediate files. These are stored in the derivatives/enigma-pd-wml/<subject>/<session>/input and derivatives/enigma-pd-wml/<subject>/<session>/output folders.

Output logs

Pipeline logs can be found at:

  • derivatives/enigma-pd-wml/enigma-pd-wml.log: contains minimal information about the initial pipeline setup.

  • derivatives/enigma-pd-wml/<subject>/<session>/<subject>_<session>.log: one log per session; contains information about the various processing steps.

Common issues

Tensorflow memory usage

A common issue is UNets-pgs failing due to high memory usage. You may see warnings / errors in your subject logs similar to:

  • tensorflow/core/framework/] Allocation of 675840000 exceeds 10% of system memory.

  • / line 14: 69443 Killed

You may want to try:

  • Running the pipeline on a system with more memory

  • Reducing the number of jobs passed to the -n option (if you're using it). This will slow down the pipeline, but also reduce overall memory usage.

For developers

Some brief notes on the development setup for this repository are provided in a separate developer docs file.


Segment White Mater Lesions (WML) in T1-weighted and FLAIR MRI images using FSL and U-Net







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