SiteSelection aims to find complex zones to reallocate street space in the city, characterized by having limited and disputed spaces. These zones are also areas that have the potential for reallocating space dynamically over time, especially when multimodal demands are complementary.
It consists in a process of multi criteria to select the cell locations of a given city or neighbourhood where the street space is more disputed by different transport modes and street activities.
SiteSelection is a full script that uses a dynamic pipeline, and gathers and processes information on:
- Road network centrality measures (betweenness, closeness, degree)
- Population density
- POI and activities
- Public Transit Frequency
- Traffic levels (TBC)
The SiteSelection package is based in Portuguese open datasets, such as census and GTFS data.
Although it is easy to run for any location in Portugal, you may adapt the code to run at other locations (considering you have the similar data needed).
Data needed for other locations:
- Census data (population and buildings)
- POIs (see data_extract.R)
- GTFS data (see transit.R)
- Administrative boundaries
# install.packages("devtools")
- QGis and
installed and working targets
R package.siteselection
R package [under development].
Open the _targets.R
file and change the defaults to your needs (don’t
forget to save the file before run!):
# Set defaults HERE ######################
CITY_input = "Lisboa" # Municipality name in Portugal
GEOJSON = FALSE # use a different limit? made with and saved in inputdata/*.geojson
GEOJSON_input = "map1" # name of the file if GEOJSON = TRUE. default: "map1"
cellsize_input = c(600, 600)# in meters
square_input = TRUE # TRUE = squares, FALSE = hexagons
use_h3 = FALSE # use h3 to create universal grid?
h3_res = 8 # h3 resolution. default: 9 (400m diameter). 8 = 1060m diameter, 10 = 150m diameter
build_osm = FALSE # download and clean osm road network again?
analysis = TRUE # export input parameters and results to a xls file? default: FALSE
# Thresholds for candidate selection
population_min = median # mean or median? default: mean
degree_min = mean # mean or median? default: mean
betweeness_range = 0.40 # percentile to exclude (upper and lower) default: 0.25
closeness_range = 0.25 # value to exclude (upper and lower) default: 0.25
entropy_min = 0.35 # value to exclude (lower) default: 0.5
freq_bus = c(4, 10, 20) # frequency of bus stops to define classification. last 2 will remain. default: c(4, 10, 20)
tar_visnetwork(targets_only = TRUE) # or false, to show objects
And you should have something like this
# let it run
mapview::mapview(grid_all, zcol="score") #ranked cells
If you want to see the filtered cells (candidates), you can load the
object and plot it, with complex and very complex
cells (transit layer considered).
When the process is not complete, you may have an error like this
You can change the city to any other in Portugal.
Other locations are work in Progress…
You can set another polygon limit to the analysis.
Just create a .geojson file with the area of
interest and save it in the inputdata
Then, set the GEOJSON = TRUE
and GEOJSON_input
to the name of the
file, without the extension.
By default, the grid is created with squares. You can change it to
hexagons by setting square_input = FALSE
in _targets.R
You can also use the universal h3 hexagon grid by
setting use_h3 = TRUE
and changing the resolution in h3_res
If you want to analyze the results in detail, set analysis = TRUE
and load the analysis/analysis.table.Rds
or .xlsx
. It
includes sequential runs with all inputs, outputs, and variable
This work is part of Streets4All Project, developed at the University of Lisbon and at the University of Coimbra, and funded by Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (PT).
The concept is based in:
Valença, G., Moura, F., & Morais de Sá, A. (2024). Where is it complex
to reallocate road space? Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics
and City Science, 51(6).
This work was presented at the GET 2025
conference, January 2025.
Please refer to this work as:
Félix R, Valença G (2024). SiteSelection: An R script to find complex
areas for the Streets4All Project. R package version 0.2,