This Python script allows you to create, resume, and progress a chess tournament.
The script includes the following features:
Management of a player database using a .json file, which includes:
- Name
- Surname
- Chess ID
- Date of birth
Creation of a new tournament with tracking of:
- Start and end date/time of the tournament
- Name
- Location
- Number of rounds
- Description
Resuming tournaments at any time
Full tournament progression with result archiving
Display of a report containing:
- A list of saved tournaments
- A list of players in alphabetical order
- List of rounds and round matches
Run the Python script to launch the program.
You can exit the script at any time by pressing ctrl + c.
Second Python project, I greatly enjoyed exploring the concept of OOP as well as the MVC model.
Object Oriented Programming
- Class
- Function
MVC Software Design Pattern
- Model
- View
- Controller
Code Linting
- "Flake 8" 0 violations*
- Use of Datastring
Read/Write .json file