The Trix-Framework CLI tool is designed to help you manage and clone various security tools categorized by their functionality. This tool allows users to select categories, view tools within those categories, and clone the desired tools into their home directory. The tool also provides the ability to stop the cloning process without exiting the application.
195+ tools are available
Load and parse tools from a
file. -
Display available categories and tools.
Clone selected tools to the home directory.
Handle directory existence conflicts.
Stop the cloning process without exiting the tool.
Support for graceful interruption using Ctrl+C.
- Python 3.x
- Git
Clone the Repository
git clone cd Trix-Framework
is PresentMake sure the
file is located in the same directory
. Thetools.json
should contain the list of tools categorized by their functionality.
Run the Script
Select a Category
The tool will display a list of categories from which you can select by entering the corresponding number.
Select a Tool
After selecting a category, the tool will list the available tools within that category. Select a tool to clone by entering its corresponding number.
- Back: Return to the category selection menu.
- Exit: Exit the application.
┌──(root㉿trix)-[~/Trix-Framework] └─# python3
Categories Examples:
- Database SQL Injection Vulnerability or Brute Force
- Web Vulnerability Scanners
- Advanced Persistent Threat Detect Select a category (or type 'exit' to quit): 1
Tools in Database SQL Injection Vulnerability or Brute Force:
- SQLiScanner - A SQLi vulnerability scanner via SQLMAP and Charles
- DSSS - A SQLi vulnerability scanner with 99 lines of code Select a tool to clone (or type 'back' to go back, 'stop' to stop cloning, 'exit' to quit): 1
Cloning SQLiScanner...
If the directory already exists, you will be prompted to overwrite it:
The directory /root/SQLiScanner already exists. Do you want to overwrite it? (yes/no): no Skipping clone for as the directory already exists.
You can also interrupt the cloning process using Ctrl+C
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This project is licensed under the MIT License.