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This project allows to run a deduplication proxy in front of an S3 compatible object store.
Heavily inspired by and use for the proxy part.

When a client send a file, it will be downloaded locally, hashed (sha512) and then stored in the object store only if not already present.
The client view/buckets are virtual and stored in Postgres.



You will need a Java JDK installed and sbt.

> sbt stage
> ls -l target/universal/stage
drwxr-xr-x 2  4096 Feb 25 18:37 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 20480 Feb 25 18:37 lib


You first will need to create a config file, you can take inspiration from application.conf.

> ls -l
-rw-r--r-- 1   641 Feb 25 18:41 application.conf
drwxr-xr-x 2  4096 Feb 25 18:37 bin
drwxr-xr-x 2 20480 Feb 25 18:37 lib
> ./bin/s3-dedup-proxy -Dconfig.file=application.conf

Log backend use slf4j simple logger and can be configured using parameters such as -Dorg.slf4j.simpleLogger.log.timshel.s3dedupproxy=info.

Redirection API

In addition to the object store proxy an http server is started (default port 23279). It allows to obtain the backing store resource url with an client resource, Ex:

> curl -v
< HTTP/1.1 308 Permanent Redirect
* Connection #0 to host left intact

Purge API

When a user delete a file only the database mapping is removed, the file stored in the object store is not removed even if it was the last reference. Periodically a purge job is run to remove the dangling files (config proxy.purge key).

It's possible to trigger the purge by and HTTP call too:

curl --request DELETE
0 deleted

It deletes up to 1000 files (the maximum for a single call of RemoveObjects).

Docker demo

The --build ensure that the image is up to date (In case of Could not connect to error just retry, the DB was just not completely up).

> docker compose up --build S3DedupProxy

This will run three services:

  • S3DedupProxy: the proxy itself bind 23278
  • Postgres: the database to store the file metadata (binded on 3306)
  • S3Proxy: used as local S3 store (binded on 8080)

You can then interact with the proxy and store using MinIO client.

    "version": "10",
    "aliases": {
        "store": {
            "url": "",
            "api": "S3v4",
            "path": "auto"
        "tenant1": {
            "url": "",
            "accessKey": "tenant1",
            "secretKey": "ff54fae017ebe20356223ea016d1e2e867b7f73aaba775fe48ed65d1f1fecb87",
            "api": "S3v4",
            "path": "auto"
        "tenant2": {
            "url": "",
            "accessKey": "tenant2",
            "secretKey": "25ca6d3f04906bfc05a3f2c7ce6b5569ec841ee0ef241a886f34687bbafee7cc",
            "api": "S3v4",
            "path": "auto"

By default the test user must write in the test bucket, ex:

> mc ls store/mastodon/
> mc cp file1 tenant1/bucket1/
> mc ls -r store/mastodon/
[2025-02-13 22:53:04 CET]   151B STANDARD blobs/a/c52/ac52fd97d34cef83527d3b5022775db50b961127ab01b8f646b5040e6f42db02f7d1a6f46bdcd69527d0dbd7d7ee1d92c9681e60b604e2603986516b68541471
> mc cp file1 tenant2/bucket1/
> mc ls -r store/mastodon/
[2025-02-13 22:53:04 CET]   151B STANDARD blobs/a/c52/ac52fd97d34cef83527d3b5022775db50b961127ab01b8f646b5040e6f42db02f7d1a6f46bdcd69527d0dbd7d7ee1d92c9681e60b604e2603986516b68541471
> mc cp file2 tenant1/bucket2/
> mc ls -r store/mastodon/
[2025-02-13 22:55:20 CET]  34KiB STANDARD blobs/8/bb7/8bb7bc575a4a5c18fe537e913f9869bcc016925fdf7c6fbedd3602915cb8341bd609c059f0397f6a42c89bc17baa294f432c3d7983d524d84a8749fd40d1d917
[2025-02-13 22:53:04 CET]   151B STANDARD blobs/a/c52/ac52fd97d34cef83527d3b5022775db50b961127ab01b8f646b5040e6f42db02f7d1a6f46bdcd69527d0dbd7d7ee1d92c9681e60b604e2603986516b68541471

Have fun