Initial Setup:
> git clone [email protected]:TheWeeklyOutput/TWO.git TWO
> cd TWO/
> git submodule init
> git submodule update
> make dev
# install initial categories, outelts, etc.
> make fixtures
# crawl new articles
> make management "crawl --date 2018-02 --amount-per-category 10"
# generate new articles (if you dont do this when setting up, you wont be able to get any hightlights)
> make management "generate --active-categories True --amount 5"
> make run-dev
Misc. Commands:
# git
make commit
make push
make pull
# clean venv and dependencies
make clean
# backup database and make a new one
make new-db
# install dependencies
make dev
# migrate django
make migrate
# django management command
make mangement "<command>"