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Initialise your development environment

All following commands must be run only once at project installation.

First clone

git clone

Install NVM

follow official procedures for nvm

Use your development environment

Always use npm using nvm

nvm install && nvm use  # only once per launched shell
nvm $args


npm ci

Launch dev server

Before launching dev server, you need to define API url

cp public/.env.dist.json public/.end.json

Edit this file, and set api backend url

  // example with backend app in dev mode
  "API_PROVIDER": ""  
npm start


npm test


Add Library in mode dev

npm i {nameModule}` -D

Update a specific module

npm update {nameModule}

Mode debug map/layer in browser console

localStorage.debug = 'terralego:*'

how to test locally

build app

npm run build

serve local build

npx serve -s build


In build mode, a frontend proxy should redirect all /api requests to backend application