This repository contains the base Kubernetes configuration for
(Most notes in this section taken from the Digital Ocean tutorial on setting up an nginx ingress.)
After setting up a Kubernetes cluster in DigitalOcean, the following commands are used to set up the necessary load balancer and certificate issuer:
# Set up the manditory resources for Nginx Ingress Controller.
kubectl apply -f
# Create a LoadBalancer Service.
kubectl apply -f
# Wait for the LoadBalancer to finish setting up, and note the IP.
watch kubectl get svc --namespace=ingress-nginx
# Set up cert-manager namespace and install the cert-manager with its CRDs.
kubectl create namespace cert-manager
kubectl apply -f
# Apply the cert-issuer from this repo.
kubectl apply -f cert-issuer.yaml
# Deploy the initial "cert-test" app from this repo.
kubectl apply -f cert-test.yaml
# Wait for the certificate to be issued.
watch kubectl describe certificate cert-test-tls
# Shut down the test app.
kubectl delete -f cert-test.yaml