All raw sequence data used in this study are available for CN1 at GitHub: The CN1 genome and annotation are now accessible through the CRGD, Chinese reference genome database and is described in paper published on Cell Research. Genome assemblies, annotations and other analysis sets can be downloaded from website
The reads are also deposited in the CNCB under accession number HRA004405. The final CN1 curated assemblies are available in the CNCB with the accession number GWHCBHP00000000 under the BioProject ID PRJCA016397. The accession numbers for the maternal and paternal haplotypes are GWHCBHM00000000 and GWHCBHQ00000000 in CNCB. We also submitted the assemblies to CNGB with the accession numbers of CNA0069006-CNA0069008 for combined, maternal, and paternal genome, respectively. The sample datasets are available on CNGB with the BioProject ID CNP0004252.
SV manual check adopted version of bamsnap
Yang, C., Zhou, Y., Song, Y., Wu, D., Zeng, Y., Nie, L., ... & Zhang, G. (2023). The complete and fully-phased diploid genome of a male Han Chinese. Cell Research, 1-17.