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Extended logic puzzle solver of noq.


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Extended logic puzzle solver of Noq.

Current Maintainers

  • @T0nyX1ang: backend, frontend, new solver implementations, bug fixes

  • @zhuyaoyu: (huge) solver optimizations, new solver implementations, bug fixes

New features

New features from Noq

  • Remove redundant codes and formatting codes.

  • New solver backend with new UI design (See issue #2)

  • Change the backend from Django to Starlette with Uvicorn (See issue #31, #50).

  • Change the frontend from Noq native to penpa-edit. (See issue #36).

  • Obtain uniform data structures in every puzzle. (See issue #88).

  • Deploy the entire solver to Github Pages with the help of PyScript.

New usages from Penpa-edit

  • Select puzzle type.

  • Show rules in if possible.

  • Choose example puzzle.

  • Show/Edit parameters of the solver if possible.

  • Solve/Reset the puzzle.

Note: if the puzzle is imported from, you will need to change the edit mode to Problem to reset the puzzle itself.

How to run locally

Use uv with a virtual environment (Recommended)

  • Install uv first.

  • Clone this project and switch to master branch.

    git clone
  • Create a virtual environment (Optional):
    uv venv
  • Install non-development packages with uv:
    uv sync --extra web --no-dev
  • Run with uv:
    uv run


  • Install requirements (automatically generated by uv):
    pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Clone this project and switch to master branch.
    git clone
  • Run locally (based on your system):
    py -3

Use prebuilt releases (Windows only)

  • Download the latest release here.

  • A new version is released from weekly to monthly.

Additional Usage

    usage: [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-d] [-tl TIME_LIMIT] [-pt PARALLEL_THREADS] [-D]
    usage: main.exe [-h] [-H HOST] [-p PORT] [-d] [-tl TIME_LIMIT] [-pt PARALLEL_THREADS] [-D]

    optional arguments:
      -h, --help            show this help message and exit
      -H HOST, --host HOST  the host to run the server on.
      -p PORT, --port PORT  the port to run the server on.
      -d, --debug           whether to enable debug mode with auto-reloading.
      -tl TIME_LIMIT, --time_limit TIME_LIMIT
                            time limit in seconds. (default = 30)
      -pt PARALLEL_THREADS, --parallel_threads PARALLEL_THREADS
                            parallel threads. (default = 1)
      -D, --enable_deployment
                            Deploy Pyscript for client-side purposes.

How to contribute


  • Install uv first.

  • Clone this project and switch to dev branch.

    git clone
    git checkout dev
  • Install all dependencies with uv:
    uv sync --all-extras
    uv pre-commit install

Write a new solver

  • Create a python file in solver/ and write solver codes in that file. The functions in noqx package are free to use.

  • Use the data structures from the puzzle. The atom element of a puzzle is a cell, and the data structures are all crafted around a cell. In detail, a puzzle has the following attributes:

    • puzzle_name: the name of the puzzle, should be the same as the filename of the solver.
    • param: the parameters of the puzzle.
    • row: the number of rows in the puzzle.
    • col: the number of columns in the puzzle.
    • margin: the margin of the puzzle, the order is a tuple of (top-margin, bottom-margin, left-margin, right-margin).
    • surface: the shaded cells in the puzzle.
    • text: the text clues in the puzzle.
    • symbol: the symbols in the puzzle.
    • edge: the borders in the puzzle.
    • line: the lines in the puzzle.
  • Create a class inheriting the base class noqx.manager.Solver.

  • Implement a solve function and write the ASP program needed.

  • (Optional) Implement a refine function if extra refinement is needed after program solving.

  • (Optional) Set static values of the solver, where these values are:

    • name: the name of the solver.
    • category: the category of the solver, should be shade (Shading), loop (Loop / Path), region (Area Division), num (Number), var (Variety), draw (Drawing), unk (Unknown).
    • examples (Optional): a list of examples of the solver, each example can be created in two conflicting ways, data and url:
      • data: directly draw the board in noqx and get the data URL by using Share → Editing URL → Copy. The URL are suggested to be generated with the following conditions:
        • contains all the required modes in this puzzle.
        • contains the required sub-types in this puzzle.
        • contains necessary initial conditions to pass the coverage tests.
        • set edit mode to solution mode instead of problem mode.
      • url: draw the board in and use File → Export URL to get the board URL.
      • config (Optional): the configuration of the solver, which will be passed to the solver when it is created, and the keys of config are the same as parameters keys.
      • test (Optional): whether the example is a test case, the default value is True, and cannot be used together with url way.
      • Lots of examples can be found at pzplus.
    • parameters (Optional): the parameters of the solver, which will be passed to the solver when it is created.
  • Free to PR now ^_^

Test solvers

  • Run the tests (with default unittest features) with uv:
    uv run coverage run -m unittest
  • Check the HTML version of coverage report with uv:
    uv run coverage html


  • This project is dual-licensed under Apache 2.0 and GPL 3.0 (or any later version). You can choose between one of them if you use this project.