PowerShell module "SystemAdmins.AdcsToolbox" for Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS).
SystemAdmins.AdcsToolbox is a PowerShell module designed to simplify the management and automation of Active Directory Certificate Services (ADCS). This module provides a set of cmdlets to perform common tasks related to ADCS such as database maintenance.
This module is only able to run on a Windows Server with the AD CS role installed.
If the AD CS server have access to the internet.
Open a PowerShell session
Install and import the module
Install-Module -Name SystemAdmins.AdcsToolbox -Scope CurrentUser;
Most AD CS servers don't have access to the internet, therefore it's required to manually download the module and copy it to the server.
Open a PowerShell session from a computer with internet access
Download the PowerShell module
Save-Module -Name SystemAdmins.AdcsToolbox -Path ([Environment]::GetFolderPath("Desktop")) -Force;
Copy the folder "SystemAdmins.AdcsToolbox" from your desktop on to the AD CS server to the following path "C:\WINDOWS\system32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\Modules".
Open a elevated PowerShell session (run as administrator) on the AD CS server.
Import the module
Import-Module SystemAdmins.AdcsToolbox;
Backup certificate authority with or without the private key.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
String | Path | Backup folder path | False | C:\Path\To\My\Folder |
Switch | PrivateKey | Include private key in the backup | True |
Create a backup without a private key to the folder "C:\Backup".
Backup-CA -Path 'C:\Backup'
Create a backup with the private key to the folder "C:\Backup".
Backup-CA -Path 'C:\Backup' -PrivateKey
Export certificate authority certificate (public key).
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
String | FolderPath | Backup folder path | False | C:\Path\To\My\Folder |
Export the CA certificate (public key) the folder "C:\Backup".
Export-CACertificate -FolderPath 'C:\Backup'
Get revoked, expired, failed or denied certificates from the AD CS database.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
String | State | State of certificate/request | True | Revoked, Expired, Denied, Failed |
DateTime | Date | Date limit (up-to) for the certificate/request | True |
Get all evoked certificates from the AD CS database.
Get-CACertificate -State 'Revoked'
Get all expired certificates up to 30 days ago.
Get-CACertificate -State 'Expired' -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Get certificate authority common name.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Get CommonName from Certificate Authority.
Get certificate authority revocation configuration.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Get revocation configuration.
Get AD CS database path.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Get database path.
Get the AD CS database size.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Get database path.
Defragment the Active Directory Certificate Services database. The CertSvc service must be stopped (Stop-CAService), prior running this cmdlet.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Get database path.
Get the status of the AD CS (CertSvc) service.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Get the service if "running" or "stopped".
Invoke AD CS database cleanu. It will perform the following:
- Take a backup of the AD CS database.
- If the AD CS service is running.
- Take a backup of the original CRL configuration.
- Stop the service
- Extend the CRL expiration to two weeks
- Start the service
- Publish the CRL
- Remove failed, denied, expired and revoked certificates up to a given date (default is older than three months)
- Stop the service
- Do a AD CS database defragmentation
- Restore original CRL configuration
- If the server was is a running state before starting the maintenance job
- Start the service
- Publish the CRL
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
DateTime | CertificateRemovalDate | Date to remove expired and revoked certificates from | True | |
String | BackupFolderPath | Path to the backup folder | True | C:\Path\To\My\Backup\Folder |
Switch | Confirm | Confirmation prior to starting the maintenance | True |
Run the maintenance on the AD CS database by taking a backup and removing old certificates and request.
Invoke-CADatabaseMaintenance -CertificateRemovalDate (Get-Date).AddMonths(-3) -BackupFolderPath 'C:\ADCSBackup' -Confirm
Publish the certificate revocation list.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Publish the CRL file(s)
Remove certificate/request from certificate authority.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
String | State | State of certificate/request | True | Revoked, Expired, Denied, Failed |
DateTime | Date | Date limit (up-to) for the certificate/request | True | |
Switch | Confirm | Confirmation prior to removing certificates | True |
Remove revoked certificate older than 30 days.
Remove-CACertificate -State 'Revoked' -Date (Get-Date).AddDays(-30)
Set certificate authority revocation configuration.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Int | PeriodUnits | Period units | True | 0-2147483647 |
String | Period | Period | True | Days, Weeks, Months, Years |
Int | DeltaPeriodUnits | Delta period units | True | 0-2147483647 |
String | DeltaPeriod | Delta period | True | Days, Weeks, Months, Years |
Int | OverlapUnits | Overlap units | True | 0-2147483647 |
String | OverlapPeriod | Overlap period | True | Days, Weeks, Months, Years |
Int | DeltaOverlapPeriodUnits | Delta overlap period units | True | 0-2147483647 |
String | DeltaOverlapPeriod | Delta overlap period | True | Days, Weeks, Months, Years |
Bool | RevocationCheck | Disable or enable revocation check on startup | True | True, False |
Set CRL to only update every second week and disable revocation check at service startup.
Set-CACrlConfig -PeriodUnits 2 -Period Weeks -DeltaPeriodUnits 0 -DeltaPeriod Days -OverlapUnits 0 -OverlapPeriod Weeks -DeltaOverlapUnits 0 -DeltaOverlapPeriod Days -RevocationCheck $true
Start the AD CS (CertSvc) service.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Start the AD CS service.
Stop the AD CS (CertSvc) service.
Type | Parameter | Description | Optional | Accepted Values |
Stop the AD CS service.
Why was this PowerShell module created?
During a project at a customer we needed to automate the AD CS database maintenance job. The customer did not want to use the PSPKI module due to compiled DLL files.
I'm missing vital cmdlet for my work
Please create an issue on the GitHub repository
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.