Since Sylius-Standard v1.3.0 we are supporting Docker out of the box. Please use a docker configuration for your end projects.
This configuration includes following software:
- Debian 8.1
- PHP 7.1
- MySQL 5.6 Percona Server
- Apache 2.2.22
- Composer
- Curl
- Vim
- Git
First you need to download this repository
$ git clone [email protected]:Sylius/Vagrant.git vagrant
And build Vagrant:
$ cd vagrant
$ vagrant up
While waiting for Vagrant to start up, you should add an entry into /etc/hosts file on the host machine. sylius.test
From now you should be able to access your Sylius project at http://sylius.test/app_dev.php.
Your newly created project is available under sylius
Installing your assets manually
$ vagrant ssh -c 'cd /var/www/sylius && ./node_modules/.bin/gulp'
Using Symfony2 inside Vagrant can be slow due to synchronisation delay incurred by NFS. To avoid this, both locations have been moved to a shared memory segment under /dev/shm/sylius
To view the application logs, run the following commands (inside Vagrant):
$ tail -f /dev/shm/sylius/app/logs/prod.log
$ tail -f /dev/shm/sylius/app/logs/dev.log
To view the apache logs, run the following commands (inside Vagrant):
$ tail -f /var/log/apache2/sylius_error.log
$ tail -f /var/log/apache2/sylius_access.log
Edit "Vagrantfile" and replace this following line:
sylius_config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, path: "shell_provisioner/sylius/"
By this one:
sylius_config.vm.provision :shell, privileged: false, path: "shell_provisioner/sylius/"
git clone{user}/Sylius sites/sylius
replace {user}
with your github account user name
$ vagrant up