Sure! Here’s a structured
file for your project that describes its purpose, features, and how to use it.
# VHUB User Management System
## Overview
The VHUB User Management System is a simple application designed to manage user registrations and schedules. Built using Python and MySQL, this system allows users to create accounts and automatically generates a default schedule upon registration. The schedules can be retrieved and displayed based on the user.
## Features
- **User Registration**: Create new user accounts with personal details and credentials.
- **Automatic Schedule Creation**: Upon registration, a default schedule is created for the user, which can include date, time, category, and description.
- **Display Schedule**: Retrieve and display all schedules associated with a user, organized by date and time.
- **Database Integration**: Uses MySQL to store user data and schedules securely.
## Requirements
- Python 3.x
- MySQL Server
- `mysql-connector-python` package
## Installation
1. **Clone the Repository**:
git clone <repository-url>
cd <repository-directory>
Install MySQL Connector:
pip install mysql-connector-python
Set Up the Database:
- Ensure that your MySQL server is running.
- Modify the database connection parameters in the code if necessary (host, user, password).
Run the Application: Open your terminal and run the script:
Create a New User: Call the
function with the following parameters:new_user(username, credentials, first_name, last_name, dob, sex, hostel, roomno, phone, emergency, email, sdate, stime, edate, etime, category, description)
new_user('24BME0133', 'Arya@813', 'Swastik', 'Patnaik', '2006-08-17', 'M', 'Q', '1234', '1234567890', '7008976034', '[email protected]', '2024-09-21', '10:00:00', '2024-09-21', '11:00:00', 'Meeting', 'Team meeting in the conference room')
Display User Schedule: To view the schedule for a specific user, use the
After running the above functions, you will see:
- Confirmation of user registration.
- Display of the schedule organized by date and time.
- User Authentication: Implement login functionality to allow users to access their schedules securely.
- Input Validation: Enhance input validation for better data integrity.
- Error Handling: Implement robust error handling for database operations.
- Graphical User Interface (GUI): Develop a user-friendly GUI to improve user interaction.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.
### Instructions for Use:
- Replace `<repository-url>` and `<repository-directory>` with the appropriate values for your project.
- Update `` with the actual filename of your Python script.
Feel free to adjust any sections to better fit your project’s specifics or your personal preferences! If you need more details or specific changes, just let me know!