A simple Ruby/JavaScript like language implemented in Go.
This project is just a tool to help me learn about lexers, parsers, and interpreters/compilers. DISCLAIMER: I wouldn't use this language for anything serious.
Oak comes with a basic CLI. To get going quickly:
$ go get github.com/spencercdixon/oak
$ oak run ./path/to/source/code.oak
$ oak repl
- Arrays
- Integers
- Strings (double quote)
- Functions (defined with 'fn')
- Closures
- Hashes
- Error reporting
- ... more complete docs coming ...
A tree that bears acorns as fruit, and typically has lobed deciduous leaves. Also, lets you write code.
oak [command]
Available Commands:
help Help about any command
repl Interactive console to play with oak code.
run Execute oak source code
version All software needs versions. This is oaks.
--config string config file (default is $HOME/.oak.yaml)
Use "oak [command] --help" for more information about a command.
When running some broken oak code like:
let queue = []
push(queu, 1)
Oak will give you nice error messages using Levenshtien Distance algorithm.
ERROR: identifier queu not found.
Did you mean one of:
If you happen to be interested in adding functionality or just want to play with Oak locally here are some things that might help:
- Go v1.8+ installed
- Check out the Makefile for available targets.
- I use T.J's mmake for a better Makefile experience
go get github.com/tj/mmake/cmd/mmake
- Add
alias make=mmake
to bash/zshrc. - Now you can run:
make help
to see what targets are available
- Oak uses Pratt Parsing for its parser.
- add Levenshtein Distance algorithm for better error msgs
- add ability to write comments in source code
- add nice HTTP primitives to make oak shine
- write documentation for basic data structures
- create some 'real-world' examples of using the language
- add benchmarking to a real world http example to compare to Ruby
- add basic module system so code can be separated
- add support for hashes
- add support for http request primitive
- add
append string support