if <condition> {
} else {
if <condition> {
if <condition> {
} else if <condition> {
} else if <condition> {
} else {
if <condition> {
if <condition> {
} else {
} else {
Something that a computer can check, if it's true or not.
-- less==
-- equal<=
-- less or equal!=
-- not equal>
-- greater>=
-- greater or equal.
Write a program in the directory speed
Write a program that performs km/h <-> m/s
speed conversion. The program
should show a selection menu, e.g.
This program performs km/h <-> m/s speed conversion. Please enter
(1) if you want to convert km/h to m/s;
(2) if you want to convert m/s to km/h.
This program performs km/h <-> m/s speed conversion. Please enter
(1) if you want to convert km/h to m/s;
(2) if you want to convert m/s to km/h.
Enter the speed in m/s:
The speed in km/h is 360
Write a program in the directory sorting
Sort three numbers that are provided as the input.
The program sorts three numbers.
Enter the numbers:
5 -2 0
Numbers in a sorted order: -2 0 5
Write a program in the directory linear
Write a program that solves a linear inequality: Ax + B > 0
and B
provided as the input).
The program solves a linear inequality Ax + B > 0.
Enter A and B:
2 -6
x > 3
Write a program in the directory quadratic
Write a program that solves a quadratic equation: Ax^2 + Bx + C = 0
. The
program should correctly handle cases when there are two solutions, one
solution, zero solutions, A = 0.
The program finds solutions of quadratic equation.
Enter the coefficients A, B and C:
1 -4 4
x1 = x2 = 2
Write a program in the directory leap
Write a program that determines whether a given year is a leap year. All years which are perfectly divisible by 4 are leap years except for century years (years ending with 00) which is leap year only it is perfectly divisible by 400.
The program determines if a year is a leap year.
Enter the year:
1900 is a not leap year.
The program determines if a year is a leap year.
Enter the year:
2012 is a leap year.
The program determines if a year is a leap year.
Enter the year:
2021 is a not leap year.
Write a program in the directory area
Given three numbers, which denote triangle side lengths, as an input, write a program that determines if a triangle with such side lengths exists. If yes, calculate the area of the triangle (you may use Heron’s formula).
Enter three triangle sides:
4 5 10
A triangle with such sides doesn't exist.
Enter three triangle sides:
4 5 6
Triangle area: 9.921567416492215
Write a program in the directory brick
You are given a hole of a rectangular shape defined by dimensions A x B
and B1 are provided as an input), and a brick with dimensions
P x Q x R (
R` are provided as an input). The brick can be rotated to fit in
the hole, but it must stay perpendicular to the hole surface. Write a program
that determines if the brick can be inserted in the hole.
Enter the hole dimensions (2 numbers):
5 8
Enter the brick dimensions (3 numbers):
9 5 7
The brick can be inserted in the hole!
Enter the hole dimensions (2 numbers):
5 8
Enter the brick dimensions (3 numbers):
9 6 8
The brick cannot be inserted in the hole.