- 1.1 Examples in the wild
- 2.1 Preloading
- 2.2 Browser compatiblity
- 2.3 Initialization
- 2.4 Apply filters
- 2.5 Alternate Output Size
- 2.6 Change source image
- 3.1 Activation
- 3.2 Change Styles
- 3.3 Disable/enable text or sticker editing
- 3.4 Render Text While Working
- 4.1 Apply a filter
- 4.2 Preview with text rendered when render_text = false
- 4.3 Show a render activity indicator
- Overview
Snapr's Javascript FX Library renders photo filters & sticker packs on the web and mobile web.
Snapr has open source formats for defining both filters and stickers.
These formats can also be read by Snapr's native modules for iOS & Android which will be released to the public at a later date.
The demo project illustrates how you can use the library to:
- Create custom photo filters with advanced layering, blend modes, grading, & masking.
- Include editable, fully styled, text in your designs.
- Create stickers packs & build a UI for adding stickers to an image
You can see a number of apps built off the Snapr platform at apps.sna.pr
- API's
In order to speed up applying filters assets such as image layers, masks, and custom fonts can be preloaded:
filter_pack: "path/to/filter-pack-directory/",
sticker_pack: "path/to/sticker-pack-directory/"
The library is written for modern browsers that have good support for the HTML 5 <canvas>
To check compatibility use: SnaprFX.utils.compatible
(returns true or false)
if(!SnaprFX.utils.compatible()){ ... }
MyImageInstance = new SnaprFX(options);
url: path to original image
element: img element to output to
width: output width - force image to this width (stretch)
height: output height - force image to this height (stretch)
size: output width - force longest dimension to this size (maintaining aspect)
aspect: output height - used with size, crop image to this aspect then scale
filter_pack: path/to/filter-pack-directory/
sticker_pack: path/to/sticker-pack-directory/
text: initial values for text fields. eg.
{ title: "The Sneeches", author: "Dr Seuss" }
render_text: If false text not be automatically rendered with filters it will be previewed as css overlay
Two deferred objects are available for callbacks:
filter: "slug",
render_text: true, // override render_text option
editable: false, // if false text and sticker elements are forced to render
width: 200, // override width
height: 300, // override height
region: {left: 100, top: 100, width: 100, height: 100} // render only specified region
You can create an uneditable version of your image at any size.
This could be used to create high resolution final output, or low resolution thumbnail previews.
width: 560,
height: 750
Output ready:
url is full image data as Data URI Scheme
// display or use url
Use a different base image:
- Text
The library renders text into the image using <canvas>
While editing text an editable CSS styled version of the text is made visible (and a version of the base image without editable elements is shown).
When the user clicks some text and it becomes active a custom event is fired on the text emement with details about the text. The data object format matches text layers in the filter json.
$('.fx-text').live('activate', function(event, data){
// data represents properties of activated text
To update the style of the active text layer call change_style on it:
All optional
- font-family
- font-size (px)
- line-height (px)
- font-weight
- font-style
- color
- text-align
Stop text or sticker elements being activate so that the user can edit the other type unhindered.
MyImageInstance.set_options({disable_text_edit: bool});
MyImageInstance.set_options({disable_sticker_edit: bool});
By default text is not rendered into the <canvas>
while working. This speeds up the UI.
If your designs include text that is below other layers of the filter, or uses blend modes, and you want accurate previews you can turn this option on.
MyImageInstance.set_options({render_text: bool});
Add a text layer.
options format matches text layers in filter json.
- How To
MyImageInstance.apply_filter({filter: "slug"});
MyImageInstance.apply_filter({render_text: true, editable:false});
A class .fx-processing
will be added to the <body>
of your page while any render activity is in progress.
You can use this to show a render activity indicator.