- The newest Chrome Release(Ver 24) has a bug while using Chrome.Serial API.
- We already reported this issue
- and fixed it!. if you want to run Beagle Term in Windows, please use the latest dev version (http://download-chromium.appspot.com/
- is a kind of Chrome packaged app.
- Supports RS232(Serial)
- Even supports VT100
- No browser plugins required!
- Demo Video
- Beagle Term runs on Google Chrome Canary Ver.24 and newer versions Or Chrome Dev(it's different with original chromium)
- for Windows, please use latest dev version. you can download it at http://download-chromium.appspot.com/
- How to install Beagle Term
- This application, Beagle Term is forked from original chromium hterm source.(http://git.chromium.org/chromiumos/platform/assets.git)
- Beagle Term also follow BSD license.
- fix grammertical mistake on my English document or comment or source code.
- need to create dialogs showing information(for exmaple, connection ports..)