BankCloudApp Virtual bank system for individual and business clients BankCloudApp is published on User profile : [email protected] , pass: Ger100100@ Agent profile : [email protected] , pass: Ger100100@ If you want, you can sign up for free :)
This is a virtual bank system project which sells financial products such as Loans, Mortgage, Cards, Deposit(saves), Investemnt etc. Guest Users can register and login to their accounts. Regular Users can view and order financial products with quantity and type. Regular Users can order products by creating a contract with a bank company and make ask for credit scoring. The project also supports Brokers. Brokers have all rights a Regular User has. Brokers can also Promote and Demote Users. Brokers can also add, edit or delete financial products and curency. Brokers can also make changes on user contracts if he make ask for refinancing. Brokers and User can watch the market for changes.