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My very own flexible portfolio


First clone this repository, and enter the just-created directory ThisIsMe.

Installation with Docker

To build the website using docker, first make sure that the Docker daemon is running.

systemctl start docker.service # Requires sudo

Then, run the following commands:

port=3000 # Change this to whatever port you want to use to acces the website
docker build -f Dockerfile --tag thisisme . # This will take 10-15 minutes
docker create --name=thisisme -p $port:3000 thisisme

Luckly, docker cashes most of these steps.

Installation with Stack/Cabal

First, make sure you have installed stack or cabal. If you do not have one of them installed yet, do so through ghcup.

Then, just run stack build or cabal build. The website will be build, which can take 10-15 minutes.


This assumes you are still in the ThisIsMe directory.

Usage with Docker

docker start thisisme # Add the -i flag to print output

Now visit localhost:{port} where {port} should be replaced with the port you chose earlier, and you should see the home page!

Usage with Stack/Cabal

Run stack run or cabal run. That's it!

Visit localhost:3000, and you should see the home page.


  • Research minimalising the docker image by using haskell-scratch as the final parent image.
  • Make thumbnails even smaller, and perhaps also the original pictures to 2k(1600xY). Use webp?
    • Generate smaller versions of thumbnails through pipeline
  • Apply linter
  • Implement pipeline to generate thumbnails, process image orientations
  • Specify canonical link and/or noindex meta attribute
  • Syntax highlighting
  • Convert this to a static website generator?
  • Make the projects page dynamic


My very own flexible portfolio






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