Welcome! It's great to have you here 😊 I hope you're doing well.
As a self-taught Frontend Software Engineer, my passion lies in connecting design with code to create something practical and useful. Whenever I complete a project, I love to say "Hello World! I've made something for you" 😌
I enjoy sharing my knowledge with others and believe that even small bits of knowledge can lead to big breakthroughs. One of my favorite things to do is to engage in an open discussion on any tech topic over a cup of coffee ☕.
If you're interested in connecting and having a discussion with me, I'm always ready to chat! Let's connect 🚀 🚀 🚀.
- 🔭 I’m currently working on building my own design system.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Advance Topics of React, NextJS and Javascript.
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on any JS/React related Open Source Project.
- 💬 Ask me about JS, React, CSS related queestions. I would be happy to share my knowledge.
- 🐱 🐶 I love cats and dogs. Please don't hurt them 🙏 🙏
If you love to read blogs, then you can check my latest blogs. 😊 I wrote them with love 💙 for you.
- Learn Redux by Building Redux
- Smashing JS Like Never: How JS Codes Get Executed (with illustrations)
- Case Study: Mistake with react keys can kill the performance
- Extensive Javascript Roadmap
- React Roadmap
I always try to give solution to others' problems. And that's how I learnt the most basic things. 😊 Help people, and this will help you back. 💯 🎉
- Answer by Showrin Barua for parent display flex row child div expand text
- How to make the event handler non-blocking in Javascript [closed]
- Answer by Showrin Barua for Javascript split() word counting issue
- Answer by Showrin Barua for SetTimeout Loader Animation Site
- Answer by Showrin Barua for Creating one single string from multiple values of array in javaScript
Andrey Esin |
Jaglux12 |
deax |
Amir-Mohamad |
Jamil Ben Brahim |
Hassan Tahir |
jamilxt |
While building this readme, I used some cool open source contents. I want to thank those great people who made these amazing open source contents. I think everyone should do this.
Pixel Icons, Jagathish Saravanan, Icon Mafia, Icon 54, Icon Mafia, Maninder Kaur they've made some amazing icons in the Iconscout.
@ryanlanciaux, @Apex, @gautamkrishnar, @ouuan, @DenverCoder1, @omidnikrah, @anuraghazra, @kmhmubin - they wrote some useful blogs and built some awesome plug n play projects that can make any profile look cool.
Respect for you all 🏆 Take love brothes ❤️ ❤️ ❤️