This library is just a proof-of-concept of the windows kernel-mode drivers, which can be written in Rust programming language.
It contains the types, constants and bindings for the Windows Driver Kit with target OS starting from Windows XP (x86/x64).
To compile you need the following:
- Nightly Rust with MSVC ABI starting from 2016-04-12 (?), which supports "is-like-msvc" target flavor.
- MSVC itself, either VS 2015 or just MSVC Build Tools.
- Rust environment for the Windows drivers: kmd-env-rs.
As workaround you can compile drivers as #[crate_type="staticlib"]
and link them manually (see examples/03.urandom/build.cmd).
Setting up:
git clone .
git submodule init
git submodule update --recursive
Set the nightly-msvc Rust toolchain for this repository:
rustup override add nightly-i686-msvc
Try to compile example:
cd km\examples\01.minimal\
cargo build --release
By default, it compiles to x86 mode.
If you need x64, either change kmd-env-rs/.cargo/config
as following:
target = "x86_64-sys-windows-msvc"
set RUST_TARGET_PATH=C:/path/to/kmd-env-rs/.cargo`
cargo build --release --target i686-sys-windows-msvc
cargo build --release --target x86_64-sys-windows-msvc
See examples folder with a driver samples and screenshots.
In memory of Four-F - the author of tutorials about kernel mode drivers development in assembly language (2002-2005).