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Releases: ShieldCoin/SHIELD

[Core+QT] SHIELD-Core releases

28 Oct 12:23
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Stable Release of SHIELD-Core

Current Version: v3 "Hadron"
Current subversion: v3.0.4.3

  • The -turbo version has a much faster start-up time, and is in beta.


         shield-mac-v3043-turbo.dmg: 011A475E3935103CE7213FCAA14C5EA6812C306C55D930D89513EDEC9C09F0C2
         shield-mac-v3043.dmg:       CB9F2D0DB742A0D534B91725A20810B4B70192BFC1E6612A49069EEB90FD88F5 F58FAF6426CCBD6A84D9F63CD281546AA6373BB62D469000CD4A23F1D597752D       DD2B6608C108586A0F8DCC7620973DAD60396CCC5810ABEB59A82F0659C291AE 16B5190C8E3B7ACC5A4E7D941F738EAEC59AF764CC703EE665BDB15DE7E9CF9C       360485BC8B5914B0AA5C8BC29824A7E60A0C434A32FF35076A922E83419171FD

[Electrum] SHIELD Electrum-XSH client

12 Aug 16:34
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Current Version: v3.2.2
(If you face .dll errors on startup, please try installing this)

There are three editions - the recommended version for Windows users is the "Setup" edition.
The differences are detailed below.

"Setup" edition:

  • Install SHIELD Electrum onto the computer. You can remove the setup file after setup is complete.
  • This version saves wallet information into the current user's internal data folder.
  • Ideal for normal use and easy access from the Start Menu etc.

"Standalone" edition:

  • Run SHIELD Electrum without installing.
  • This version saves wallet information into the current user's internal data folder.
  • Simple to organise, run and update a single executable.

"Portable" edition:

  • Run SHIELD Electrum without installing.
  • This version saves wallet information into a folder called "electrum-xsh_data", in the same folder as the binary.
  • Ideal for portable installs, such as carrying your wallet and the Electrum binary on a USB flash drive.

The internal data folder for the Setup and Standalone editions is %APPDATA%\Electrum-XSH

Importing an Android wallet seed:

Android wallet users can import their recovery seed into the Electrum client by selecting the BIP39 seed option during import:



  electrum-xsh-win-portable.exe [v3.2.2]: 435EBA8EA54DE05E233AB734745ED25F62CB12D2160324A39836EFF3BD092FCE
     electrum-xsh-win-setup.exe [v3.2.2]: CEFB38AB273AAD24C3FB24CEB33A1503C16C7B930BE32552A8C6F5A4A19845ED
electrum-xsh-win-standalone.exe [v3.2.2]: 7A6AB5DB206DB543E056267ADE4242387BD65657FBA0C236FFE73F663FF68BCB

[Resources] Bootstrap (~1189k blocks)

15 Aug 02:06
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Updated 20/1/19

  1. Firstly, (making sure that the wallet is not running), please make a backup of your wallet.dat file to a safe place, even if you have made earlier backups. You can find your wallet file in the folder opened with Tools > Open Data Folder, or in the wallets subfolder.

  2. If the folders blocks, chainstate and/or indexes exist in this data directory, delete them.

  3. Then use 7zip to extract the contents of SHIELDchain1189k.7z into the data directory.


  1. Lastly, start the wallet and wait for it to finish syncing.